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The plurality is poshtun

Posted on: August 21, 2021 at 11:54:13 CT
El-ahrairah BAMA
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21.23 yrs
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Which the Taliban are. They have minority populations of hazaris, uzbeks, Tajiks, etc. the us puppet government didn’t include Pashtuns. It’s why it collapsed so easily
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     No they won't. That is fckn obvious(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 8/21 18:49:13
     Good for them. But holy hell, those comments - MIZ45 MU - 8/21 14:51:12
     You won't. You don't choose anything, when u non participate - RHAYWORTH MU - 8/21 13:42:41
          you're certifiably retarded, RHAY (nm) - pickle MU - 8/21 13:51:28
               Nope, but your beliefs sure are. - RHAYWORTH MU - 8/21 14:01:57
                    proving the point (nm) - pickle MU - 8/21 14:03:41
     We chose Freedom and liberty, We elected Trump twice - Catturd USMC - 8/21 12:00:41
          Trump is the opposite of liberty and freedom - JG MU - 8/21 12:46:25
          stop being stupid (nm) - pickle MU - 8/21 12:10:53
               is exactly what you need to do. - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/21 13:35:54
               not possible - JG MU - 8/21 13:04:31
     RE: people will always choose freedom and liberty - MUTGR MU - 8/21 11:58:38
     RE: people will always choose freedom and liberty - sarasotatiger MU - 8/21 11:57:07
          ^ brownshirt thinking (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 8/21 12:08:14
          Ahhh, the hopes of an authoritarian collectivist (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 8/21 12:08:00
               100% (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 8/21 12:08:25
     also - JG MU - 8/21 11:35:49
          Is this more D mendacity with the issue framing? The issue - Reagan STL - 8/21 11:47:13
               nobody gives a shiite about the whacks with the death wish - JG MU - 8/21 12:52:03
                    Are you finally admitting you're pro-mask mandate? - MIZ45 MU - 8/21 14:49:36
                         I'm against them - JG MU - 8/21 17:35:13
     I sincerely doubt afghans choosing taliban, will get either. - RHAYWORTH MU - 8/21 11:30:39
          They are choosing voluntary association. - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/21 12:55:14
          "afghans choosing taliban" - pickle MU - 8/21 12:14:23
          And the USA military was bringing them freedom? - meatiger MU - 8/21 11:51:54
               Us mil brought them trannies, 3rd wave feminism, and wokism - El-ahrairah BAMA - 8/21 11:56:11
               "liberating" them (nm) - ashtray UF - 8/21 11:52:29
          They’ll have a self rule - El-ahrairah BAMA - 8/21 11:31:35
               No they won't. It will be a theocracy. - RHAYWORTH MU - 8/21 11:44:46
                    you don't understand what self-rule means, do you? - ashtray UF - 8/21 11:53:03
                         I doubt most people consider self rule an imam or ayatollah. - RHAYWORTH MU - 8/21 12:05:35
                              lol... I was correct - ashtray UF - 8/21 12:33:01
                    Who cares what it is. - Newcatbirdseat MU - 8/21 11:45:59
               Actually Taliban is made up of a large percentage - JG MU - 8/21 11:34:59
                    The plurality is poshtun - El-ahrairah BAMA - 8/21 11:54:13
                    I suspect all it would take is for these Taliban land - Newcatbirdseat MU - 8/21 11:47:15
                         i don't suspect you are a lying idiot - JG MU - 8/21 12:44:44
                         lol (nm) - ashtray UF - 8/21 11:53:29
                              IKR so stupid its funny - JG MU - 8/21 12:45:43
     I can give you 911 reasons that is incorrect - JG MU - 8/21 11:28:39

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