RE: I like how you jump from the 80s to the 2000s
Posted on: August 1, 2021 at 11:07:56 CT
raskolnikov MU
Member For:
24.32 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I earned a Masters Degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia in the early 90s - following a return from 3 yrs in Boston. Summer prior I tended bar at Ave's in the CWE, living in U-City at the time. I worked as the economic development specialist for a small regional planning commission (RPC) following that and then got on with Missouri Department of Economic Development through the late '90s and moved the fam to KC. Lining up the gig at Sprint Data and oooh selling T-1s included shy of two years for Eclipse Telecomm, basically a Sprint Re-seller, the owner of that business - right before I left for Sprint Data was going off to start some internet shipping company - that would become Freightquote where I brokered freight fomr 05-12. How's that buddy boy?