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because they can't get enough vol to man the voting stations

Posted on: July 17, 2021 at 19:48:16 CT
tigerinhogtown STL
Member For:
23.36 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
they are suppressing their own vote.

the number of voting machines are based on the number of voters in that voting district.
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TOP to America: GFY - JG MU - 7/17 16:08:12
     you know the TX bill says NOTHING about the early voting - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/17 16:48:41
          Texas style, not Texas - JG MU - 7/17 16:49:49
               early voting by state that are less than 14 days - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/17 17:02:21
               we talking BBQ or what? such a dumb partisan poll(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/17 16:51:04
                    Its basically common sense since - JG MU - 7/17 16:59:55
                         No. You just think that because you're a partisan hack and - MIZ45 MU - 7/17 17:53:35
                              delusionals gonna delude - JG MU - 7/17 18:47:31
                                   As you prove daily, Mr. Big Gubmint "Conservative Here" - MIZ45 MU - 7/17 20:53:23
                                        thanks for proving my point - JG MU - 7/17 21:39:17
                                             "They stole the GND from me" - MIZ45 MU - 7/17 22:50:47
               What is Texas style?(nm) - Spanky KU - 7/17 16:50:47
                    target blacks and minorities - JG MU - 7/17 16:51:38
                         How does it target blacks and minorities - Spanky KU - 7/17 17:29:30
                              I've explained voter suppression numerous times - JG MU - 7/17 18:50:13
                                   Nope. You have lied about laws that you stupidly label - Spanky KU - 7/17 18:54:53
                                        bwhahahahahahahahahahaahaha - JG MU - 7/17 21:37:20
                              I trust you don't expect any answer here. Libs - GA Tiger MU - 7/17 18:25:52
                                   well you are half right GAT - JG MU - 7/17 18:50:52
                         who can't vote?(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/17 17:04:07
                              not what I said - JG MU - 7/17 17:16:34
                                   a suppressed vote represents someone that can't vote - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/17 17:25:53
                                        NO - JG MU - 7/17 18:51:13
                                             ok, so voter suppression doesn't stop people from voting - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/17 19:53:49
                                                  it does that sometimes as well - JG MU - 7/17 21:37:45
                                        A suppressed vote is a vote that is made more difficult - SparkyStalcup MU - 7/17 17:55:05
                                             I've explained it numerous times , they just love to sing - JG MU - 7/17 18:49:11
                                             Why would someone have to stand in line for 10 hours - Spanky KU - 7/17 18:01:52
                                                  because they can't get enough vol to man the voting stations - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/17 19:48:16
                                                  LOL - JG MU - 7/17 18:49:37
                                        George doesn’t understand the talking points he regurgitates - Spanky KU - 7/17 17:31:04
                                             {spit take} incredible Spankiny - JG MU - 7/17 18:48:34
                                                  You are a swallower - Spanky KU - 7/17 21:14:23
                                                       RE: You are a swallower - JG MU - 7/17 21:38:21
                                             yes he does, he's just trolling(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 7/17 17:39:14
     What do Texans think about the Texas law? - Spanky KU - 7/17 16:48:10
          They left the state over it(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 7/17 18:04:13
               Only the cowards fled. Texans remained (nm) - Spanky KU - 7/17 18:11:24
     Yahoo poll ... LMAO (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 7/17 16:41:53
          For a real LMAO - JG MU - 7/17 17:00:48
     All 333,019,037 Americans were polled? (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 7/17 16:23:31
          Well yeah. only a few Trumplcians - JG MU - 7/17 16:32:11
               Nonsensical (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 7/17 16:55:23
                    LOL look up the meaning of polled , nit wit - JG MU - 7/17 16:59:03
                         You're proving my point - MIZ45 MU - 7/17 17:22:16
                              LOL - JG MU - 7/17 18:52:11
                                   Nice laydown (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 7/17 22:51:09
                         Did you steal that from Led Zeppelin? - Reagan STL - 7/17 17:18:09
                              no - JG MU - 7/17 18:51:46
     A yayhoo poll? Too funny. (nm) - Outsider MU - 7/17 16:19:38
     Ds to America - we're watching what you say on Facebook. - Reagan STL - 7/17 16:15:42
          I guess that proves I;m not a dem then - JG MU - 7/17 16:50:51
               The evidence suggests otherwise, JG "of course I'm not a - Reagan STL - 7/17 17:16:24
                    I know you're not - JG MU - 7/17 18:52:39
     RE: TOP to America: GFY - MOCO SON MU - 7/17 16:13:01
      JG still plans to ballot harvest for the Ds even though - Reagan STL - 7/17 16:12:17
          Its not that you plan to lie - JG MU - 7/17 16:30:53

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