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RE: Link needs to start being a regular there

Posted on: June 24, 2021 at 17:38:56 CT
Member For:
3.23 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
With Yanders school also opening, that might be a consideration in future years; not sure on any limitations on them playing in a HS tourney. The formula is usually 6 national programs and 2 local, with sometimes a national or local being a STL program. It's pretty amazing the schools/programs that come and the talent you see; annually one of the top tourneys nationally. Christ the King, Monteverde etc all come every couple years. Whats also fun, is the number of big time college coaches who will attend and that you might get to interact with on any given night. And then of course depending on players, you see their entourage as well, as I'm sure schedules allowing, Lebron will be there this year.

Edited by TONYTIGR at 17:42:13 on 06/24/21
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Chaminade in 2021-22 TOC - TONYTIGR MU - 6/24 17:12:41
     Link needs to start being a regular there - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/24 17:31:19
          RE: Link needs to start being a regular there - pinkman MU - 6/24 19:45:58
               Here’s the post from a couple weeks ago - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/24 19:50:09
                    RE: Here’s the post from a couple weeks ago - pinkman MU - 6/24 20:04:40
          RE: Link needs to start being a regular there - pinkman MU - 6/24 19:19:07
          RE: Link needs to start being a regular there - TONYTIGR MU - 6/24 17:38:56
               Yanders school won’t ever be in it. - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/24 17:46:52
                    RE: Yanders school won’t ever be in it. - TONYTIGR MU - 6/24 18:01:46
                         I think Link establishes itself as a top program - wu-tangtiger MU - 6/24 18:16:25

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