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Honesty has nothing to do with whether or not

Posted on: June 15, 2021 at 14:56:06 CT
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20.62 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
someone agrees with me. Though I must admit most of you
who do disagree with me do so not only stupidly but totally
dishonestly as well
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The perfect republican - JG MU - 6/15 12:36:48
     RE: The perfect republican - MOCO SON MU - 6/15 15:45:27
     Are you the perfect liberal? (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 6/15 13:26:18
          seems like a miniscule chance since I'm not one in the - JG MU - 6/15 14:45:30
               You're definitely not a liberal - MIZ45 MU - 6/15 15:24:10
     ^^Business as usual...Another negative post about Rs from - Reagan STL - 6/15 12:40:46
          everyone noticed you dodged my post the other day - JG MU - 6/15 12:42:38
               Which one was that? If I have the time, then I will try - Reagan STL - 6/15 13:09:17
                    RE: Which one was that? If I have the time, then I will try - JG MU - 6/15 14:45:41
               You dodge posts all day long, hypocrite (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 6/15 12:58:39
                    Not answering a stupid pointless deflective question - JG MU - 6/15 14:46:34
                         It's a valid question - MIZ45 MU - 6/15 14:54:01
                              Honesty has nothing to do with whether or not - JG MU - 6/15 14:56:06
                                   It would be easier to call you honest if you - MIZ45 MU - 6/15 15:05:44
                                        RE: It would be easier to call you honest if you - JG MU - 6/15 15:07:40
                                             No - MIZ45 MU - 6/15 15:20:11
                                                  I agree. Facts mean nothing to you. You have an impervious - JG MU - 6/15 16:18:57
                                                       Let's delve deeper into how you're "hardest on dems" - MIZ45 MU - 6/15 16:21:48
                                                            I will if you could explain how - JG MU - 6/15 16:25:53
                                                                 That's nothing more than being lazy - MIZ45 MU - 6/15 16:27:39
                                                                      so you can see why I won't jump through your hoops like - JG MU - 6/15 16:29:13
                                                                           Well cha - MIZ45 MU - 6/15 16:30:49

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