What is Mob Rule?
Mob Rule is a system designed to allow TigerBoard.com users to help control the tone of the message boards. Each registered user is given 10 "mob votes" to use on a whichever poster(s) that they feel deserve to be suspended from posting. If a poster collects enough mob votes from enough users, that poster is "mobbed" and is suspended from posting, sending TBIMs, and casting mob votes until noon.
Mob Rule Rules
Do not use multiple handles to cast mob votes. This will get all your handles suspended or banned.
You may not organize, suggest, hint at, refer to, or in any other way discuss mobbing another poster. "Mobs" are by definition unorganized. Penalities for organizing a mobbing range from one hour suspension to lifetime ban. Don't do it.
All mobbings are subject to be overturned at any time by Nick.
How do I cast a mob vote?
On posts that have been made within the past 12 hours, you will see a button labeled "Vote To Suspend" under the poster's handle in the left column. Simply click the button once to cast one vote.
How many votes does it take to mob someone?
The number of votes, as well as the number of voters, required to mob someone is subject to change at any time and will not be made public. Rest assured that one or two people alone cannot mob someone.