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Campaign against 2020 presidential ballot recount escalates

Posted on: May 11, 2021 at 11:26:56 CT
JeffB MU
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20.82 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Why are they so afraid of forensic audits in key battleground states?'


The legacy media, which ardently have opposed the 2020 presidential election ballot audit being done in Arizona, have turned to sarcasm to continue its campaign against the procedure.

This even as a commentator pointed out that there are legitimate reasons for the Arizona work, as well as arguments for similar work in other states.

The ballot audit in Arizona is being done by the state Senate, which is controlled by the GOP. Members there were forced to go to court to get permission for the recount when other state officials opposed them. Even now some items sought under subpoena have not been provided.

It's been going on for a couple weeks now, and originally, a recount audit report was scheduled to be released a few weeks after completion.

But the AP on Monday characterized the GOP pursuit of the truth as "fantasies," even before the results are announced.

"GOP fraud fantasies live on," the wire service said, citing work to check on ballots "so see if there is any sign they were flown in surreptitiously from South Korea."

Then, the report cited, there were those checks with ultraviolet lights, "looking for a watermark rumored to be a sign of fraud."

The audit, in fact, is "ground zero for former President Donald Trump and a legion of his supporters who have refused to accept his loss in Arizona or in other battleground states," the report said.

The report notes two earlier audits, by establishment government officials in the state, "confirmed no issues." And the report complains of the "obvious partisan biases" of the current auditors.

But Arizona was one of several battleground states where unusual results prompted suspicions of irregularities – and protests about the narrow margin of victory that put Biden in the White House.

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For example, columnist Wayne Root said:

Let’s say a white police officer killed an innocent black man who did nothing wrong. Unlike George Floyd, he had not committed any crime; was not resisting arrest; his body wasn’t filled with fentanyl; he had no lifelong violent crime record. None of that. Assume this poor guy was a law-abiding, tax-paying, church-going American. And the white cop killed him for the crime of "driving while black." What's the reaction of the police? They say the shooting was righteous. They refuse to investigate. There is a bodycam videotape, but they refuse to release it. And get this - they refuse to allow anyone to even talk about it. If any cop talks about it, he loses his job. If anyone in the black community talks about it, social media will suspend them, or ban them for life. What would all of that mean to you? Guilty as charged, right? The police must be covering up a crime. No one who's innocent acts like that, right?

"Guess what? That’s the EXACT reaction (or should I say, over-reaction) by liberals, Democrats and assorted socialists and communists to Republican accusations of massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election," he said. "I thought in America we were all allowed to have our opinion. I thought we had free speech. I thought we had a right to investigate. I thought we had a right to see the videotapes. I thought we had a right to forensic audits."

But he said regarding the 2020 election results: "The fix is in. It’s crystal clear to me now, not only was the election rigged, but so is the post-election. It’s simple psychology. Just look at the absurd reaction, or over-reaction by Democrats. Would anyone dare ban the right to discuss a possible racist police killing? Can you imagine the reaction by liberals, black activists and the ACLU? What if the Minneapolis police permanently banned any discussion of the George Floyd death? What if every black American who tried to give their opinion on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube was banned for life?

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"Who acts like that? Only guilty people," he said. "That’s how you know."

He said the questions that need to be answered include:

"If Democrats didn’t rig and steal the election, why are they so afraid of forensic audits in key battleground states- specifically the audit in Arizona right now?"

And, "When Trump was a 8 to 1 landslide favorite with bettors around the world late on election night and clearly headed to a landslide electoral victory, why did five states suddenly announce (in coordination) they were stopping counting for the night?"

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And, "How come by morning these states had resumed counting with no GOP witnesses, and suddenly Biden was ahead? I thought you stopped counting?"

Specifically he wonders "How come Michigan had a dump of 149,772 votes at 6:31 AM on November 4th – with 96% of the vote going to Biden? How did Wisconsin find 143,379 votes at 3:42 AM on November 4th , just about all of them for Biden? How come you could only produce numbers like this for Biden with no GOP witnesses in the room? How come in Philadelphia Democrats were so desperate to keep Republican witnesses out of the counting room? Why did you refuse entry of Republican witnesses even with a court order in hand? Why did you cover the windows with pizza boxes so no Republican could see in? In Detroit, there are videotapes of vans pulling up in the middle of the night with boxes of ballots. In Atlanta, there are videotapes of suitcases with thousands of fake ballots suddenly appearing after a fake water main break was used to force all GOP witnesses out of the counting room. Why can’t we discuss these videotapes?"

Why, he asks, "in Arizona the audit director says Dominion refuses to comply with a subpoena and turn over the password to their voting machines? True? How come the Biden DOJ suddenly wants to stop the Arizona audit?"

On social media, there also were questions being raised, with one reporter trying to get a response from the Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, who has claimed she has been threatened for her vocal – and legal – opposition to the audit.


Jordan Conradson
May 6
runs in fear as I ask her the tough questions about the #ArizonaAudit. This is an audit for the people!

On Steve Bannon's podcast on Monday, an Arizona elections witness, Jan Bryant, reported she observed employees of Dominion Voting Systems, the company hired to operate the Arizona election, "running everything."

"Employees deferred to them on everything," she said. "There were multiple things that concerned me."

Elections Witness Jan Bryant Joins Steve Bannon to Talk About Maricopa County Election:

"To me, Dominion employees had total control of everything that was going on," she said. Further, she explained how Dominion workers told everyone, on election, to go home, because the system was being rebooted.

Also Bannon charged that a current case that has been announced against Trump associate Rudy Giuliani is an attempt by Washington's "deep state" to get him out of the recount campaign.


He said it was not by "accident" that Giuliani suddenly is under investigation, apparently for work he did previously for foreign interests.

"They wanted Rudy off the stage focusing on the election fraud. Remember, Rudy started it in Arizona," he said.

There were, he said, 2,000 affidavits throughout the country alleging election fraud.

Andrew Giuliani, the son of former New York mayor and President Trump lawyer, said the recent federal agents' raid on his father's home and office show that the government can now target anyone.

"When federal agents raided my father's home at dawn Thursday morning, the Biden Justice Department was sending a clear message to America: If it can happen to the former mayor who led New York City through 9/11, it can happen to you, too," he said in a Washington Examiner commentary.

"During Joseph Stalin’s reign in the Soviet Union, the dictator staged the Moscow Trials, which put prominent members of his political opposition on trial. Denied any kind of due process, most of the defendants were charged with crimes against the Soviet government. Several were sentenced to death. These show trials, which often centered on the defendants' collusion with foreign powers, were a late step along the road to Stalin's mass purges, one of the most horrifying periods in Soviet history," he said.

"This raid, like Stalin’s tactics, was conducted for the sake of imagery — intended to have a symbolic significance. While it is highly unusual for federal agents to target a client’s attorney, the Justice Department has come to rely on this tactic for attacking the Democrats’ political opposition. The ramifications for this are terrifying for the rule of law: One of its most fundamental pillars, attorney-client privilege, is being eroded amid highly theatrical displays of partisan warfare," he warned.

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Campaign against 2020 presidential ballot recount escalates - JeffB MU - 5/11 11:26:56
     lol (nm) - pickle MU - 5/11 11:27:24
          Profound response(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 5/11 13:05:20

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