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Who were some of your favorite MU players growing up?

Posted on: March 23, 2021 at 13:52:36 CT
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14.92 yrs
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Just wanted to do a change of pace post. Also gives myself and others an idea of when many started watching Mizzou basketball.

Personally, I grew up in the 80s and 90s which was a good time to be a Missouri fan when it came to basketball. Some of my favorite players were Derrick Chievous, Mike Sandbothe, Melvin Booker, Doug Smith, Jevon Crudup, Kelly Thames, Anthony Peeler, and Derek Grimm. In recent years Kareem Rush, Kim English and Marcus Denmon.

I always had a thing for Mizzou big men when I was younger as well. Smith and Crudup could spoil a lot of fans.

Edited by JSMTiger at 13:56:07 on 03/23/21
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Who were some of your favorite MU players growing up? - JSMTiger MU - 3/23 13:52:36
     I agree with all and I add Kleiza(nm) - DA-MURF MU - 3/23 21:19:08
     James Clabon(nm) - jmlppx MU - 3/23 16:38:23
     Stipo. He put us on the national map (nm) - samclemens MU - 3/23 16:20:46
     Jeff Warren was a great role player. nm - Sarazen KC - 3/23 16:06:19
     Dan Bingo Bingenheimer - Tiger Stripes MU - 3/23 15:33:41
     The Black Irishman (O'Linney), Peeler, Doug Smith, - Carlos Rossi KC - 3/23 15:12:34
     "Grew up" with Stipo in college with coffee at Brady - raskolnikov MU - 3/23 14:36:01
     I liked Jason Sutherland (nm) - zoomer 99 - 3/23 14:12:20
     Peeler, Doug Smith, Booker, McIntyre (nm) - sYsTiger KC - 3/23 14:07:08
          I loved johnnie Mac too! - Bump834 MU - 3/23 14:10:30
     Dooling/Gilbert/Rush (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/23 14:03:12
     John Brown, Al Eberhard, Mike Jeffries, Willie Smith - Ace AU - 3/23 14:02:52
          And James Clabon for a starting 5(nm) - jmlppx MU - 3/23 16:39:13
     Ricky Paulding, Clarence Gilbert, Kareem Rush, Wesley - ImpalaSS KC - 3/23 14:02:46
     I used to go to Desmet games to see the coaches - mu7176grad MU - 3/23 14:01:39
     Anthony Peeler. Doug Smith - drywallerdave MU - 3/23 13:55:41
     Sunvold, Drexler, Stipo. (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 3/23 13:55:10
     Brian Grawer (nm) - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 3/23 13:54:17

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