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Yep. Good perspective. I'm still a fan of CM. Hoping for

Posted on: March 4, 2021 at 09:46:30 CT
GeorgiaTiger76 MU
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13.32 yrs
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a couple of wins in the tourney this year - that would certainly be validating for the program!
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"We're excited about the future" - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 3/4 07:21:48
          so don't base it off of tangible results? - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 3/4 10:06:22
     He has done a pretty good job - itznotwillis MU - 3/4 08:02:59
          Yep. Good perspective. I'm still a fan of CM. Hoping for - GeorgiaTiger76 MU - 3/4 09:46:30
          RE: He has done a pretty good job - HSCoach STL - 3/4 08:44:24
     f*ck(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/4 07:51:58
          I'M SO GOLL DURN FRUSTRATED!!!11 - Mothball MU - 3/4 10:04:24
     The only thing that's really hurt him - samclemens MU - 3/4 07:30:31
          A good recruiter recruits, no matter the school situation. - GA Tiger MU - 3/4 07:59:00
               The recruits you talk about want money, CM is not going to - cal MU - 3/4 08:17:36
                    Yep. I think there are some top recruits who don't want - GeorgiaTiger76 MU - 3/4 09:45:21
          He may end up landing some big recruits, but - GeorgiaTiger76 MU - 3/4 07:45:06
               Or start hiring more recruit dads as assistant coaches - samclemens MU - 3/4 07:48:15
                    LOL. You make a good point. - GeorgiaTiger76 MU - 3/4 07:55:25

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