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13 that's it..... actually I'm a scorer so hitting 3s

Posted on: January 27, 2021 at 10:24:01 CT
Legendary50 SEC
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5.31 yrs
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was a small part of my game

I'm about winning with a Champion mindset!
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     Perhaps if he didnt try to shoot 4ft behind the line - DollarSigns MU - 1/27 09:17:56
          That definitely doesn't help (nm) - Uncle John KC - 1/27 09:21:16
          The key is not distance. It is taking a good shot. It - GA Tiger MU - 1/27 09:17:40
               The difference between 20 ft and 26 ft is huge - DollarSigns MU - 1/27 09:51:41
                    I've hit FAR more 3's in a row than you. But thats - GA Tiger MU - 1/27 10:01:20
                         Lol. No you haven't(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 1/27 10:08:53
                              Yes, I have. Twice, in workouts, just a - GA Tiger MU - 1/27 10:15:53
                                   13 that's it..... actually I'm a scorer so hitting 3s - Legendary50 SEC - 1/27 10:24:01
                                   Sure boomer.(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 1/27 10:17:28
               If you are a shooter and can shot I dont think you - Legendary50 SEC - 1/27 09:23:14
                    When your confidence is negative, closer does matter. Seeing - Sigma MU - 1/27 09:36:50
                         This is a factor...like hitting a golf or tennis ball is.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 1/27 10:02:40
                              I'm a hoop sniper....and my golf game is better than yours.. - Legendary50 SEC - 1/27 10:09:11
                                   Whats a hoop sniper?(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 1/27 10:17:50
          Mark drove the ball. he just got swatted (nm) - TigerA MU - 1/27 08:58:01
               He also missed a couple layups by several feet (nm) - zoomer 99 - 1/27 09:01:28
                    That's because he's out of control when he drives (nm) - Uncle John KC - 1/27 09:22:22
                         I dont see that part I see a player 2nd guessing if he - Legendary50 SEC - 1/27 09:26:54
                              When you lack balance 7 confidence it looks out of control. - Sigma MU - 1/27 09:38:13
               I 'm talking a few mid-range shots. The drives were brutal & - Sigma MU - 1/27 08:59:25
     Watson is weird b/c he shoots like he has confidence - TigerA MU - 1/27 08:53:49
          There were a ton of guys that got their shot blocked - Legendary50 SEC - 1/27 09:16:08

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