players who stayed in-state, ACC states:
Posted on: January 15, 2021 at 11:54:58 CT
phrejd KC
Member For:
16.13 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
And now the ACC...
Note, I'm including DC in this and saying if they stay in Maryland or Virginia it counts.
DC - 5 of the top 10 players stayed "in state"
Maryland got 4, Old Dominion 1
Florida - 4
kind of deceiving, but Miami got 2 of those and U of Florida got the other 2, while FSU got 0
Georgia - 6
as noted in the SEC recap, UGA did well taking all 6
Indiana - 5
UI got 3, Purdue 1 and ND 1. Note, MIZZOU got 2 of the top 10. Scroll further and it appears Purdue does pretty well in-state.
Kentucky - 6
Deceiving, all 6 went to Kentucky, 0 to Louisville
Massachusetts - 3
BC got all 3
New York - 1 of 5
Not enough for a top 10, but Syracuse got 1
North Carolina - 6
All 6 to NC, who pretty much dominates the list. NC state gets a handful down the list and Duke/Wake/App State show up here and there. Lot of prospects in NC.
Pennsylvania - 3
2 to Pitt, 1 to PSU
South Carolina - 2
Actually on 2 of the top 20 stayed in state, both choosing uSC. Nobody going to Clemson.
Virginia - 2
Both chose UVA. Scrolling through the top 45 there's a smattering of UVAs and VTech's, but most appear to go out of state.