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Are you ready to have your mind blown?

Posted on: January 11, 2021 at 10:49:11 CT
4TigersinMichigan MU
Member For:
21.75 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
There are sick individuals in almost every line of work. Police, firemen, teachers, doctors, nurses, construction workers, clergy, auto mechanics, restaurant workers, (I could go on.)

If you want to have more fun, you can find an article on each occupation and post one per day from each on something sick one person has done. It will be riveting and will make you appear really cool. I think you should tackle this.
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Cops - Ace A - 1/11 10:46:27
     Well, considering he was a libtard, not shocked.(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 1/11 11:02:23
     So are we for cops today or against them?(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 1/11 10:57:56
     Black on black crime - Spanky KU - 1/11 10:55:57
          Affirmative action - tggggr - mizzoumurfkc KC - 1/11 11:15:06
          Did you have a point? nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 1/11 11:06:58
               Black on black crime - Spanky KU - 1/11 11:24:32
          Almost look like the same dude. Just the first one the drunk - TigerMatt KC - 1/11 10:59:05
               maybe this was a time-travel identity theft thing and - dangertim MU - 1/11 11:02:03
                    plot twist - cnk ATL - 1/11 11:05:52
                         that's what I was getting at. I shouldn't have said - dangertim MU - 1/11 11:10:31
                              Funny I am watching X-Men: Days of the Past at the - TigerMatt KC - 1/11 11:13:10
     You are as ridiculous as Triggggerd - McKinneyTiger MU - 1/11 10:54:41
          if there is a story about a cop participating in the - Ace A - 1/11 11:08:38
          Point? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/11 11:02:51
     Are you ready to have your mind blown? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 1/11 10:49:11
     wrong board, DOC(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 1/11 10:47:26

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