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Riot video and comments

Posted on: January 7, 2021 at 09:43:48 CT
Knucklehead MU
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24.89 yrs
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If you watch the video at the top of this article you get a good sense of the scene. I recommend it. Also turn the sound on and imagine what it must of been like to be there.


This article includes a lot of other shorter videos embedded in tweets.


Now some comments:

1) It was a riot not a protest. That much is clear by any objective standard.

2) You can see in the first video that many of the "protestors" were carrying cell phones. It shouldn't be much of a problem to use cell phone tracking data to figure out who these people are. If the police attempt to say they don't know who they are, that is because they are not trying to identify them.

3) The capital building is one of the most intensively surveilled buildings on earth. Video cameras are every where. With the other videos from the press it is again simply not credible to maintain that you cannot id a large number of participants. Once you ID 20% it should be no problem to track known associates and probably turn a few with plea bargins.

4) The performance of the capital police is severely substandard. How could they not have foreseen at least a 20% probability that this would happen. They need a major house cleaning starting at a leadership level.

5) Given the numbers it is not credible to claim most are "antifa". But since it should be no problem to ID the participants additional conclusive evidence should become available in a few weeks.

But watch the videos and form your own conclusions.

Edited by Knucklehead at 09:51:28 on 01/07/21
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Riot video and comments - Knucklehead MU - 1/7 09:43:48
     This video says it all for me, it was a setup - Savage KC - 1/7 09:54:40
          So violent the way he beat up that policeman LOL (nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 1/7 10:41:25
          Can't believe that the cop was beaten to death. - TigerMatt KC - 1/7 10:03:40
          I told a buddy yesterday that some of the - Sal MU - 1/7 09:59:43
     There were protesters there - Sal MU - 1/7 09:47:52
          I'm in favor of prosecuting the Antifa fascists breaking - BH O'bonga MU - 1/7 09:51:51
               what about the people breaking in who aren't antifa? (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 1/7 09:55:27
                    who aren't antifa?: Which ones? Several have been IDed as - BH O'bonga MU - 1/7 10:01:14
                         the woman who was shot wasn't (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 1/7 10:05:21
                              woman who was shot wasn't: Yeah, Antifa wasn't in season, - BH O'bonga MU - 1/7 10:14:41
                                   I feel like if this actually made sense it would be even - eatatjoes MU - 1/7 10:22:53
                    They would never do such a thing - meatiger MU - 1/7 09:58:35
     RE: Riot video and comments - RBT STL - 1/7 09:46:28
     LOL where was yer drama creation this past summer?(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 1/7 09:45:54

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