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What Left Wing Protesters >

Posted on: January 6, 2021 at 18:41:17 CT
raskolnikov MU
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23.78 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
This summer we saw peaceful BLM protests - I think it 93-97% of those protests were peaceful - and there is no telling they were "leftwing". Do think protesting the terrible number of black folks killed by cops is a "leftwing" thing to do?

Wow, there is that small-mindedness again.

And you fcking PUTZ, Joe Biden has been a Centrist his entire career. The more progressive of the Dems did not want him b/c of that. And you say "implement their radical policies"? My lord you don't have much going on.
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     What Left Wing Protesters > - raskolnikov MU - 1/6 18:41:17
          A few opportunistic leftists upset the peaceful protests - Fred G. Sanford USA - 1/6 18:44:49
          93-97% mostly peaceful protest. Fixed it for you (nm) - tcat KC - 1/6 18:43:03
          YES! that's exactly what today was 97% peaceful with the - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 1/6 18:42:21
               99.9%. Only violence from the cops shooting yet another - TigerMatt KC - 1/6 18:57:39
               Oh OK then, glad you are on the beat (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 1/6 18:44:33
     It's what Nazi's like Tiger King Jack do(nm) - tcat KC - 1/6 18:38:15
     RE: The left will now condemn violence. They will redefine - MOCO SON MU - 1/6 18:37:47
     Since the GOP has abandoned being the law and order, - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/6 18:37:04
          Not sure why you keep saying that, what you saw today - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 1/6 18:40:36
               They are GOP. The most radical part of the GOP, but GOP - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/6 18:54:48
                    Drumpf was never the GOP, thus the never-trumpers and - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 1/6 18:57:25
     there shouldn't be a left or right anymore, it should be - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 1/6 18:36:11
          Commies and Nazis vs Trump and the Tea Party - tcat KC - 1/6 18:40:09
          RE: there shouldn't be a left or right anymore, it should be - MOCO SON MU - 1/6 18:38:24

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