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About 30% of the people I see wearing masks have

Posted on: December 29, 2020 at 18:26:04 CT
Ace AU
Member For:
5.03 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
the top of the mask below the nose.

People also do a poor job of washing their hands, or touching their face.

And, do they clean high traffic touch points, like door knobs, light switches, etc?

It isn't only masks that are important.

Wear a mask
Wash your hands
Social distance
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     I was in the same boat around Thanksgiving. Similar symptoms - Emoji Man MSU - 12/29 20:48:17
     RIP in peace(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 12/29 20:38:29
          Is that from the Department of Redundancy Department?(nm) - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/29 20:43:46
     I wish you and your wife a speedy recovery. nm. - MUTGR MU - 12/29 19:26:45
     Get better soon - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/29 19:24:00
          I just hope my wife doesn't find out about my, uh - 90Tiger STL - 12/29 19:32:10
               Should you find yourself with a scorching case of herpes - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/29 19:39:33
     Sorry to hear this. I hope you're both OK(nm) - *M* KC - 12/29 18:43:27
     Hope you're feeling better soon (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/29 18:27:13
     If u lose taste, try eatin some beaver nm - yy4u MU - 12/29 18:22:21
          Lick a toilet seat and tell us how it tastes.... - Tigrrrr! MU - 12/29 18:26:52
               Lol. Nm - yy4u MU - 12/29 18:49:47
          With a mask on of course (nm) - tiger4real MU - 12/29 18:26:32
     I've known one person who got it, my youngest daughter - Fred G. Sanford USA - 12/29 18:13:56
     Sorry you are sick. Wife and I do the same as you, mask - jmlppx MU - 12/29 18:06:22
     I am truly sorry to hear that. Test confirmed (+)? - Ace A - 12/29 18:01:27
          not testing unless i get so sick i need to seek care - 90Tiger STL - 12/29 19:33:25
          Does that even matter, really? Truly. - tiger4real MU - 12/29 18:09:05
               seems you have all the answer, sport. - Ace A - 12/29 18:13:46
                    he does, yes (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 12/29 19:33:47
                    Just common sense, Ace, that’s all.(nm) - tiger4real MU - 12/29 18:15:11
                         same common sense that lead you to get it? - Ace A - 12/29 18:15:39
                              what "led (me) (or him) to get it"? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 12/29 19:34:18
                              Yes sir, I understand everyone is vulnerable.(nm) - tiger4real MU - 12/29 18:18:05
                              Common sense says masks don't work.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 12/29 18:16:25
                                   Common sense, and science, says they do(nm) - *M* KC - 12/29 19:09:12
                                        Except they don't. They don't stop aerosols which is how - TigerMatt KC - 12/29 19:59:46
                                             An aerosol is simply a suspension of particles in the air. - *M* KC - 12/29 20:49:29
                                                  only an N95 - ashtray UF - 12/30 08:42:43
                                   About 30% of the people I see wearing masks have - Ace A - 12/29 18:26:04
                                        Why isn’t there more urgency towards proactive health? - tiger4real MU - 12/29 18:28:38
                                             Zinc can arrest virus replication in some instances - Ace A - 12/29 18:40:35
                                                  Agreed, so why not focus on that? - tiger4real MU - 12/29 19:06:09
                                                       harder to fix and requires personal accountability. Mask - 90Tiger STL - 12/29 19:35:15
     I got it a month or so ago - tiger4real MU - 12/29 17:52:24
     Taste and smell issues?? (nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 12/29 17:51:02
          Still smells like Tuna(nm) - meatiger MU - 12/29 18:36:56
          not yet, monitoring (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 12/29 17:59:54

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