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daniel needed maclin and denario and others to turn short

Posted on: December 11, 2020 at 14:30:20 CT
phrejd KC
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15.35 yrs
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passes into big plays, and coffman to get open and grab everything over the middle. put those kinds of weapons around bazelak and i agree he could be very successful. but getting guys like that is a tall order. we'll see.

bazelak feels a lot more like daniel than lock, gabbert, or even mauk. if his arm strength improves (again, not saying it can't) he could be great. but until then there's always going to be the lure of a stronger arm.
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Can we hold on to Tyler Macon? - Mizzou Guru SEMO - 12/11 13:45:03
     Well, then he won’t go to a better program - MoGold MU - 12/11 21:22:27
     RE: Can we hold on to Tyler Macon? - MOCO SON MU - 12/11 16:40:27
     RE: Can we hold on to Tyler Macon? - MOCO SON MU - 12/11 16:40:20
     THESE GOLL DURN PLAYERS MUST START FOUR YEARS!!!!!1 - Mothball MU - 12/11 15:02:04
     He'll take over as a RS sophomore (nm) - zoomer 99 - 12/11 14:39:17
     He's signing NLI on the 16th. And if Bazelak or someone - Diamond Dave MU - 12/11 14:28:57
     Who knows. They will compete, and it will work out - TigerJackSwartz MU - 12/11 14:19:43
     He isn't going to beat out Bazelak or Cook. Maybe he - Emmanuel Goldstein - 12/11 14:05:45
          He's a 4 star recruit and ranked highly at the elite 11 camp - AndyTiger MU - 12/11 14:20:32
               Lack of accuracy. You don't want him throwing over the - TigerMatt STL - 12/11 14:40:01
     May the best QB win! MIZ... - Turn2 MU - 12/11 14:02:10
     i'm not really sold on bazelak as the long-term answer - phrejd MU - 12/11 13:58:56
          Are you kidding? (nm) - Lerxst MU - 12/11 16:23:14
          He can get there. Daniel was night and day - pickle MU - 12/11 15:10:15
          Your not sold on a guy that’s completing 70% of his - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/11 14:05:48
               pretty much this. CB is a Freshman, and he'll be a Freshman - CoolBreeze22 MU - 12/11 15:01:50
               how many of those passes travel more than 10 yds in the air? - phrejd MU - 12/11 14:09:39
                    In all fairness - Mizzou Guru SEMO - 12/11 19:12:41
                         Chism has been better the last 4 games - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/11 21:31:10
                    How many need to? If he only hit - GA Tiger MU - 12/11 14:20:33
                         quite a few, GAT (nm) - pickle MU - 12/11 15:11:01
                              How would we lose, assuming, as I did, that - GA Tiger MU - 12/11 15:18:30
                                   you assume no penalties, sacks, negative rushing plays, - phrejd MU - 12/11 15:22:17
                                        I assume nothing. You can not refute my comment. You - GA Tiger MU - 12/11 16:39:27
                                             lol classic (nm) - Cosmo MU - 12/11 17:30:36
                         It stretches the D and the safety - meatiger MU - 12/11 14:43:46
                         go take a nap (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/11 14:22:57
                              Darn. I was hoping you'd disagree with me.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 12/11 14:25:37
                                   it’s incredible you’ve watched games as long as you have - pickle MU - 12/11 15:12:01
                                        Such as..........?(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 12/11 15:19:18
                                             there's no change of possession at the end of the 1st qtr - phrejd MU - 12/11 15:23:27
                                                  Which is totally irrelevant to my comment.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 12/11 16:38:31
                                                       you called for a hail mary at the end of a first quarter - pickle MU - 12/11 16:42:28
                                                  lol(nm) - meatiger MU - 12/11 15:56:35
                                                       The humor of that is what, exactly?(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 12/11 16:40:31
                                                            RE: The humor of that is what, exactly?(nm) - pickle MU - 12/11 16:41:50
                    I would watch his first pass from the Arkansas game - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/11 14:13:02
                         my concern is arm strength rather than placement. - phrejd MU - 12/11 14:19:30
                              I think they will be fine with him completing 70% of his - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/11 14:22:59
                                   daniel needed maclin and denario and others to turn short - phrejd MU - 12/11 14:30:20
                                        Can arm strength really be improved by that much - meatiger MU - 12/11 14:41:12
                                             dunno (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/11 14:42:47
                                                  figures(nm) - meatiger MU - 12/11 14:44:17
                                        The knock on Lock was that he had the big arm - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/11 14:40:10
               If he was worth a sh*t he'd be completing 71% (nm) - Cosmo MU - 12/11 14:08:13
                    robinson completed 68.97% to bazelak's 69.38% (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/11 14:11:49
                         robinson probably isn't as bad as this board thinks (nm) - zoomer 99 - 12/11 14:36:53
                              i think he sucked pretty bad - phrejd MU - 12/11 14:39:46
     Hard to predict how the competition will go. Injuries, ... - winslow MU - 12/11 13:57:46
     He'll sign, we'll play for a national title w/ Bazelak - Tigerfish MU - 12/11 13:53:03
          Lol(nm) - Genco98 MU - 12/11 14:22:47
     He announced yesterday he was signing on Wednesday(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 12/11 13:49:11
     He’s going to sign. - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/11 13:46:56
          I think he will sign - Mizzou Guru SEMO - 12/11 13:48:40
               A lot will depend on how long Bazelak stays - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/11 13:51:56
                    I like Baze, but he is light years away from being drafted - MoGold MU - 12/11 21:27:51
                    It's a "problem" MU fans are not accustomed to thinking - Fool on the Hill MU - 12/11 13:56:23
                         It’s not really new. - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/11 14:01:03
                              "Zanders is getting screwed! Lock just doesn't have "it"!(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/11 14:11:29
                                   RE: "Zanders is getting screwed! Lock just doesn't have "it"!(nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/11 14:14:04
                                        yeah, Bazelak is always going to be tied to Odom just like - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/11 14:15:11
     this has crossed my mind as well - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/11 13:46:44
          we are worried about Macon transferring if he can’t win job? - MoGold MU - 12/11 21:32:17
          That's a great problem to have(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 12/11 13:49:38
               sure, but not for him(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/11 13:50:26
     Yes, he's solid. (nm) - AndyTiger MU - 12/11 13:46:11
          RE: Yes, he's solid. (nm) - SEMO_Hillbilly UMKC - 12/11 13:54:46

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