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RE: The blacks and antifa were the ones rioting and looting

Posted on: December 10, 2020 at 07:39:59 CT
raskolnikov MU
Member For:
24.30 yrs
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Right and yet the White Nationalists were the ones arrested and one MIGHT pause to wonder what in holy heck White Nationalists were doing at rallies protesting the killing of black Americans by police.
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American Taliban has arrived - raskolnikov MU - 12/10 07:28:25
     RE: American Taliban has arrived - MOCO SON MU - 12/10 08:31:19
     RE: American Taliban has arrived - Tigrrrr! MU - 12/10 08:12:23
     Got your 'Great Reset' talking points from George Soros - BH O'bonga MU - 12/10 08:10:28
     Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero who was defending himself. - Tigrrrr! MU - 12/10 08:07:39
     You’re an idiot of the highest order. How did the white - Fred G. Sanford MU - 12/10 08:07:37
     Few people are able to reach your level of stupid. - MizzouTigerz MU - 12/10 07:52:21
          Two of those are definitely not like the others(nm) - redngray MU - 12/10 09:15:26
          you aren’t in a position to question anyone’s intelligence (nm) - pickle MU - 12/10 08:10:42
          you're projecting - ashtray UF - 12/10 07:58:53
          RE: Few people are able to reach your level of stupid. - raskolnikov MU - 12/10 07:57:05
          Of course this is the guy who thought right wing groups were - DHighlander NWMSU - 12/10 07:48:43
               You sure took their bait boy. - raskolnikov MU - 12/10 08:03:04
     GFY . Those protests were not peaceful, or magnificent. - RHAYWORTH MU - 12/10 07:45:49
     you’re an idiot, rask (nm) - pickle MU - 12/10 07:42:54
     The blacks and antifa were the ones rioting and looting - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 12/10 07:34:01
          RE: The blacks and antifa were the ones rioting and looting - raskolnikov MU - 12/10 07:39:59
               lol the ones arrested? goddam you are dumb and low - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 12/10 07:43:19
                    Facts disturb you. Check - raskolnikov MU - 12/10 07:51:15
                         By and large that never happened - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 12/10 07:53:19
                              No, He's not even smart enough to make it up. - RHAYWORTH MU - 12/10 07:59:24
                                   wow, the irony (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/10 08:23:20
                    I'm sure they'll discuss it at the next Black Americans - ashtray UF - 12/10 07:49:02
                         In between the rolling gun battles(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 12/10 07:50:02
     Your confession? Nm - yy4u MU - 12/10 07:31:45

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