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We're not sure where we got it.

Posted on: December 2, 2020 at 12:30:15 CT
tgr MU
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21.62 yrs
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We don't know anyone who we had direct contact with who had it at the same time as us.

The college my wife worked at had an outbreak a few days before we got it so we are guessing that's where it we caught it but she didn't really have any face-to-face contact with people who had it there.

Or our son's teacher had it so that is our other guess.
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     yes one immediate family member and yet another - TigerFan92 STL - 12/2 13:07:44
     roommate has it - meatiger MU - 12/2 13:03:16
          you have a roommate? (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/2 13:03:48
               yes - meatiger MU - 12/2 13:04:25
                    are you over 30? (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/2 13:05:58
                         yeah(nm) - meatiger MU - 12/2 13:06:32
                              2 men over 30 living together are not roommates - phrejd MU - 12/2 13:07:22
                                   ok(nm) - meatiger MU - 12/2 13:08:25
     son's friend's dad had to get tested because of his job - phrejd MU - 12/2 12:38:56
          California is instituting manditory weekly testing for - XRob MU - 12/2 13:13:05
          We thought our neighbor was a false positive too until - bactgr MU - 12/2 12:42:57
               What did she smell like before that? nm - Nebraska99 STL - 12/2 12:47:54
                    a 1(nm) - bactgr MU - 12/2 12:48:56
               maybe she jus started bathing. - colonel angus beef KC - 12/2 12:47:43
               Still no reason to keep putting flaming bags of poop - Cosmo MU - 12/2 12:44:49
                    but it's also not a reason to stop, so... (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/2 12:46:06
                         youre a poop-bag is half-full kinda guy, arent ya. - colonel angus beef KC - 12/2 12:55:45
                              half full? half empty? either way - phrejd MU - 12/2 13:00:26
          yeah but of those 14 million over 250 million have died - phrejd MU - 12/2 12:39:56
               The math checks out(nm) - Eggs MU - 12/2 12:44:01
     haven't had it but everyone I know that has knows where - SabertoothTiger MU - 12/2 12:33:25
     I've dodged it twice so far - Cosmo MU - 12/2 12:32:30
          We dodged once... neighbor who is in our circle - bactgr MU - 12/2 12:34:40
     We're not sure where we got it. - tgr MU - 12/2 12:30:15
          Damn - meatiger MU - 12/2 12:58:37
          So kinda middle of the road... probably a good idea but - bactgr MU - 12/2 12:33:48
     I don't understand - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/2 12:23:38
          depends on how social/active somebody is - Sal MU - 12/2 12:35:24
          Really? I have not heard of one person who does not know - bactgr MU - 12/2 12:26:07
               you can absolutely get covid from getting the mail - phrejd MU - 12/2 12:35:47
               So, did you get it from a co-worker or your aunt - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 12/2 12:35:09
                    My co-worker is my aunt, and she was at Thanksgiving.(nm) - bactgr MU - 12/2 12:37:15
                         i like this sentence as a stand alone, or just insert - colonel angus beef KC - 12/2 12:57:16
                         Ah, got it. Thanks for the clarification. (nm) - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 12/2 12:38:39
                              and just for further clarification - phrejd MU - 12/2 12:40:28
                                   0(nm) - bactgr MU - 12/2 12:41:22
               I've forgotten more about COVID transmission - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/2 12:28:18
                    They've said all along surface risk is minimal - Tptiger MU - 12/2 14:00:41
                    Your tactics don't work on me(nm) - bactgr MU - 12/2 12:30:35

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