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No. He stopped and became a distraction to officers

Posted on: November 29, 2020 at 08:45:27 CT
Tigrrrr! MU
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22.62 yrs
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working a criminal investigation. And ended up being pointed out by one of the suspects as a participant. At that point the officers had a responsibility to investigate and he had an obligation to stop recording and cooperate. If he hadn't been such an ass hole he would have been sent on his merry way.

He put himself in that position. If any shooting had started in the original incident, it would have been his fault if he got his dumb ass shot.
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     Agreed. Thank goodness for phone camera today and - GA Tiger MU - 11/29 07:26:52
     Nothing happened. There’s no evidence. Only a BLMtard thinks - Emoji Man MSU - 11/28 22:11:13
     Ha.....funny. - Tigrrrr! MU - 11/28 21:57:32
          Can you even read? Who's the dumbazz? Lol(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/28 22:06:57
               Yes. I can read. - Tigrrrr! MU - 11/28 22:21:05
                    That must mean NO one should EVER film a cop while - GA Tiger MU - 11/29 08:18:51
                         No. He stopped and became a distraction to officers - Tigrrrr! MU - 11/29 08:45:27
                              no (nm) - pickle MU - 11/29 09:10:16
     All Cops Are Pastors.(nm) - AllThingsKC KC - 11/28 21:55:27
          So the cop forced his dong in the victim's mouth?(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 11/28 21:56:31
               That's gross. Of course not. - AllThingsKC KC - 11/28 21:58:49

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