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You would be surprised how dirty the top of the sport is

Posted on: November 16, 2020 at 18:53:44 CT
wu-tangtiger MU
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10.38 yrs
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Look at some of the lawsuits around Zion. If you are an elite recruiting school there is a specific way that you have to play the recruiting game. They all do it. If you want to break into that group, then you have to do it as well.

You can develop good program being mostly clean, but you won’t land many of the elite recruits that way.

Also the NIL might just make a lot that is going on now fair game.
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Rick Pitino - wu-tangtiger MU - 11/14 22:29:19
          schools are going back in January - MizzouAstro MU - 11/15 15:56:16
     **** that guy(nm) - NWMizzouFan MU - 11/15 06:19:44
          Every P5 opening will have him at the top - wu-tangtiger MU - 11/15 07:26:22
               would be a terrible hire - Jeff85 MU - 11/16 08:31:41
                    If you want to win big, he would be a great hire - wu-tangtiger MU - 11/16 08:55:35
                         not that dirty - Jeff85 MU - 11/16 18:49:03
                              You would be surprised how dirty the top of the sport is - wu-tangtiger MU - 11/16 18:53:44
                                   should be reformed if that is actually the case - Jeff85 MU - 11/16 19:02:58
               RE: Is he wanting to coach again?(nm) - oldtgr MU - 11/15 14:56:07
                    He’s already coaching in college again (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 11/15 15:45:00
                         He is ku slimy(nm) - NWMizzouFan MU - 11/16 06:12:07
                              He is, at most, 1/8th as dirty as Self or Roy (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 11/16 08:56:43
                                   Nah. If he had been at ku he'd be just as high on your list - sprintcar STL - 11/16 10:12:49
                                        Well sure, then he would have been asked to cheat at - FIJItiger MU - 11/16 10:22:14
                              Still a great coach. If you want a coach that recruits great - wu-tangtiger MU - 11/16 07:22:11
                                   Is it great recruiting if you pay them to attend - Jeff85 MU - 11/16 18:51:01
                                        Call it what you want, that’s the only proven way - wu-tangtiger MU - 11/16 18:55:01
                                             that doesn't make you a great coach or recruiter - Jeff85 MU - 11/16 19:08:47
                                                  Did you pay attention to the FBI case? - wu-tangtiger MU - 11/16 19:10:55
                                                       not really - Jeff85 MU - 11/16 19:13:03

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