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President Trump, You Are Still President!

Posted on: November 9, 2020 at 11:25:49 CT
pickle MU
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25.70 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
from Lew Rockwell


November 9, 2020

President Trump, you won the election, but the Deep State leftists are trying to cheat you out of victory. Even though you led in Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, mysterious paper ballots materialized, reversing the will of the people. Pepe Escobar, writing in the Asia Times, explains how it was done: “Stuffing the ballot box is a typical scam applied in Banana Republic declinations of color revolution. Blue operators use the tried and tested method applied to the gold futures market, when a sudden drop of naked shorts drives down gold price, thus protecting the US dollar.

Blue operators bet the compliant mainstream media/Big Tech alliance will not question that, well, out of the blue, the vote would swing towards Blue in a 2 to 3 or 3 to 4 margin.

They bet no questions will be asked on how a 2% to 5% positive ballot trend in Red’s favor in a few states turned into a 0.5% to 1.4% trend in favor of Blue by around 4am.

And that this discrepancy happens in two swing states almost simultaneously.

And that some precincts turn more presidential votes than they have registered voters.

And that in swing states, the number of extra mysterious votes for Blue far exceeds votes cast for the Senate candidates in these states, when the record shows that down ticket totals are traditionally close.

And that turnout in one of these states would be 89.25%.”

You should of course continue to press your legal challenges to the fake vote as much as you can. The news media has no power to declare Biden the winner. But even if you don’t succeed and have to leave the White House on January 20, you are legally President until that day. In the time until then, you should act decisively against the Deep State and the enemies of the American people. Here are a few suggestions on things to do.

You should fire Anthony Fauci and Christopher Wray. One of the main ways that the Deep State undermined you is by using the phony Covid-19 crisis to wreck the economy. As Gary Barnett pointed out last May, “Tony Fauci got his wish, or at least he and others were able to manufacture a scenario that would make his wish come true. One of yesterday’s reports after Fauci testified before Congress stated:

‘Fauci, a member of Trump’s coronavirus task force, told the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee that the nation’s efforts to battle the deadly virus and the COVID-19 disease it triggers should be “focused on the proven public health practices of containment and mitigation.”

In other words, everyone should remain in lockdown, which of course means home prison, and this is known by the perpetrators of this fraud to cause severe stress that kills the immune system, thus guaranteeing more sickness, more death, and more tyranny. Fauci knows this, as does his partner in crime, Bill Gates. The longer people are isolated and stressed, the more disease that will occur, and that plays right into the hands of those like Fauci that desire total control over society in order to gain for themselves.”

After you fire Fauci, you should urge that we open up the economy completely. We don’t need face masks, which prevent people from breathing and don’t stop the virus. Don’t fall for the phony vaccine propaganda. As Ron Paul has said, “The World Health Organization (WHO) recently admitted that lockdowns cause more harm than good. Following this announcement, one would have expected American politicians to immediately end the lockdowns. After all, the WHO’s pronouncements are considered infallible, so much so that social media sites silence anyone who dares challenge the great and powerful WHO. Yet, governors, mayors, and other government officials across the country are ignoring the WHO’s anti-lockdown position.

Instead of admitting that the lockdowns were a mistake, many in the political class, which includes a disturbing number of medical professionals whose positions and prestige depend on government, claim that we cannot return to normalcy until a coronavirus vaccine is in wide use. This suggests that people among the majority of Americans who do not wish to be vaccinated will remain under lockdown or be forced to be vaccinated against their will. The assault on our liberty will not end with deployment and use of a vaccine. Moncef Slaoui, the chief adviser of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed, a ‘public-private partnership’ in charge of producing and delivering a coronavirus vaccine, has said that those who receive a vaccine will be monitored by ‘incredibly precise … tracking systems.’ Slaoui has also indicated that tech giants Google and Oracle will help the government keep tabs on the vaccinated individuals. So, the vaccine program will lead to an increase in government surveillance!” You should urge people not to take the vaccine, even if Biden usurps power on January 20.

Christopher Wray has acted to undermine your Administration. He pedals the fake charge that the Russians made you President in 2016, and he withheld from you the Hunter Biden “Laptop from Hell,” even though he had this since December. But you shouldn’t stop with him. As you well know, there is a cabal of FBI, CIA, and NSA agents who have acted to undermine you even before you took office. You should get rid of them. In fact, why do we need an FBI or a CIA at all? They are agencies of world disruption, and you would do the world a great deal of good by abolishing them.

The Left will stop at nothing to harm you and your friends if Biden gets in. You should immediately pardon yourself, your family, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and all the others who have stood up against the Left. I strongly suspect that “Judge” Sullivan, a pliant tool of the Left, is planning to sentence Flynn to a long prison term as soon as you are forced out of office, so that is why he needs to be pardoned to preclude that from happening. You should continue to denounce and to act against the BLM and antifa thugs who are rioting and looting.

One of the best things you could do is to fire the entire Federal Reserve Board. The Fed controls our economy in the interests of nefarious forces, and firing the Fed Board would be a great first step the End the Fed. As Ron Paul has said, “Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently announced that the Fed is abandoning ‘inflation targeting’ where the Fed aims to maintain a price inflation rate of up to two percent. Instead, the Fed will allow inflation to remain above two percent to balance out periods of lower inflation. Powell’s announcement is not a radical shift in policy. It is an acknowledgment that the Fed is unlikely to reverse course and stop increasing the money supply anytime soon.

Following the 2008 market meltdown, the Fed embarked on an unprecedented money-creation binge. The result was historically low interest rates and an explosion of debt. Today total household debt and business debt are each over 16 trillion dollars. Of course, the biggest debtor is the federal government. The explosion of debt puts pressure on the Fed to keep increasing the money supply in order to maintain low interest rates. An increase in rates to anything close to what they would be in a free market could make it impossible for consumers, businesses, and (especially) the federal government to manage their debt. This would create a major economic crisis.

The Fed has also dramatically expanded its balance sheet since 2008 via multiple rounds of ‘quantitative easing.’ According to Bloomberg, the Fed is now the world’s largest investor and holds about one-third of all bonds backed by US home mortgages.

Congress has expanded the Fed’s portfolio by giving the central bank authority to make trillions of dollars of payments to business as well as to state and local governments in order to help the economy recover from the unnecessary and destructive lockdowns. . . Once the lockdowns end, the Fed’s actions may lead to a short-term boom. However, the long-term effect will be even more debt, continued erosion of the average American’s standard of living, and the collapse of the fiat money system and the welfare-warfare state. The crisis will likely be brought on by a rejection of the dollar’s reserve currency status. This will be supported both by concerns about the stability of the US economy and resentment over America’s hyper-interventionist foreign policy.

The question is not if the current system will end. The question is how it will end.

If the end comes via a meltdown, the result will likely be chaos, violence, and increased support for authoritarian movements as desperate people trade their few remaining liberties in hopes of gaining security.”

There is another vital thing you can do. In your first term, you often complained about NATO and our involvement in foreign quarrels that don’t concern us. You would render the American people an inestimable service if you withdrew America from NATO and brought all American troops home. The American Empire is vast. As Laurence Vance has pointed out, “According to the latest edition of the Department of Defense’s (DOD) Base Structure Report: “The DoD manages a worldwide real property portfolio that spans all 50 states, 8 U.S. territories with outlying areas, and 45 foreign countries. The majority of these foreign sites are located in Germany (194 sites). The DOD owns, leases, or controls 47,288 buildings occupying 481,651 acres on foreign soil. The DOD has acknowledged the existence of about 800 U.S. military bases in 80 countries, but we know from the work of Nick Turse and the late Chalmers Johnson that that number is closer to 1,000.” Why not do what you can to end this Empire and return America to our traditional policy of nonintervention?

You should also reject the false appeals for unity of Biden and his allies. America is not unified. The heartland of America stands opposed to the coastal elites, illegal immigrants, and disaffected minority groups that seek to exploit the rest of us. We need more disunity, not unity.

Finally, remember that Joe Biden is not the legitimate president—you are. You should do and say everything you can, both before and after January 20, to delegitimize him, Kamala Harris, and the whole gang. Just as you have been doing, you should stress the blatantly fraudulent “results” in Biden’s favor. As the New York Post has pointed out, the election might be decided by Congress: “With the final vote in dispute, states with Democratic governors but Republican legislatures — including the key battleground states of Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan and Wisconsin, the latter two of which have already been called for Biden — could conceivably end up dispatching two distinct groups of Electoral College voters, reported Marie Claire, citing a study by election scholar Edward B. Foley. In that scenario, those states would have two competing sets of electoral votes, and, as president of the Senate, Republican Vice President Mike Pence would be tasked with unraveling the situation. He could opt to throw out both sets of votes from those states, meaning neither candidate could reach the 270 electoral votes needed to clinch the presidency. In that event, the members of Congress would vote for president and vice president. The House of Representatives would vote for president, with each state’s delegation getting one shared vote, and a simple majority of 26 votes needed to elect. In the Senate, each senator gets one vote, with a simple majority of 51 votes needed to elect.”

If you are forced out on January 20, you should set up a White House in exile, and continually criticize what Biden does. You should use your unrivalled media skills to always keep in the public eye. You won the election, and you are the rightful President. If you do these things, you will be remembered as a great American President.
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President Trump, You Are Still President! - pickle MU - 11/9 11:25:49
     Interesting for sure(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 11/9 11:30:12
          no kidding (nm) - pickle MU - 11/9 11:34:36

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