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no it's also about responsibility.

Posted on: October 12, 2020 at 18:50:32 CT
phrejd KC
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15.39 yrs
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you're responsible for your own health. if you feel your health is threatened by going outside, it's your responsibility to not go outside.
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So much for schools being superspreaders. Opps - hefeweizen MU - 10/12 15:51:38
     maybe. but using the last two weeks of september? - pickle MU - 10/12 16:26:14
          Both my son's school and my wife's have been open for - TigerMatt STL - 10/12 16:57:58
               Oh, i’m sure. i think it’s all bull**** - pickle MU - 10/12 17:11:26
                    Not really as that represent latest start across country - tman MU - 10/12 19:27:24
               All 3 of the schools in our town have had numerous teachers - mizzou541 KC - 10/12 17:03:23
               Same with my daughter - Eggs MU - 10/12 16:59:24
                    Wanna do an in person daughter routine? - McMuffin MU - 10/12 17:27:58
     I think the precautions most schools are taking is a major - StaleyTiger MU - 10/12 16:21:12
          No, there has never been evidence that they were - Sal MU - 10/12 16:27:36
               I mean I'm not sure that they're any more of a super - mizzou541 KC - 10/12 17:05:53
               SUPER SPREADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111 - Eggs MU - 10/12 16:32:41
                    I hardly know her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 (nm) - McMuffin MU - 10/12 17:23:48
                    The non-woke gatherings are super spreaders (nm) - Sal MU - 10/12 16:34:13
          That's true - Wildcat KSU - 10/12 16:25:27
     speaking of superspreaders... (nm) - lqf2b8 MU - 10/12 16:07:06
          dangertims moms legs are superspreaders(nm) - NWMizzouFan MU - 10/12 16:07:34
     but what about the other science????!!!!! I'm so confused - 90Tiger STL - 10/12 16:00:30
     RE: So much for schools being superspreaders. Opps - playhard NWMSU - 10/12 15:53:53
          Lol, yeah no... - tigerNkc MU - 10/12 20:23:10
          There are mask heavy countries that debunk that (nm) - Sal MU - 10/12 16:03:08
               Yes, the whole mask thing is a hoax i'm sure(nm) - playhard NWMSU - 10/12 16:10:15
                    Ok, let's all agree it isn't. Open up, yes?(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 10/12 16:13:54
                         I've got no problem opening up stuff - playhard NWMSU - 10/12 16:15:29
                              RE: I've got no problem opening up stuff - tigerNkc MU - 10/12 20:23:25
                              Where did I not acknowledge it? People are free to comply - hefeweizen MU - 10/12 16:17:54
                                   So during WW2 many sacrifices were made by American's - playhard NWMSU - 10/12 16:27:25
                                        Your freedom to stay home renders your example moot - hefeweizen MU - 10/12 16:37:30
                                             I've got a job, i need to work and can't do it from - playhard NWMSU - 10/12 16:40:14
                                                  Private business can set their own policy. If employees - hefeweizen MU - 10/12 16:41:32
                                                       Nope, gov’t knows best (nm) - Sal MU - 10/12 16:43:27
                                                            Those people in the stands aren't wearing masks! Ok, - hefeweizen MU - 10/12 16:47:50
                                        Asking people to do something for "the greater good" - Eggs MU - 10/12 16:33:45
                                             Also, asking someone to wear a mask in the hopes - playhard NWMSU - 10/12 16:38:50
                                                  good to know you think liberties are BS, you're the perfect - 90Tiger STL - 10/12 16:55:24
                                                       Exactly - Cosmo MU - 10/12 17:05:03
                                                  "Spare me the infringement on my personal liberties BS" - Cosmo MU - 10/12 16:44:14
                                                       I'm amused at how there are so many people who are angry - Eggs MU - 10/12 16:55:51
                                                            At least be honest - playhard NWMSU - 10/12 18:39:50
                                                                 no it's also about responsibility. - phrejd MU - 10/12 18:50:32
                                                  That's because it's govt mandated - Eggs MU - 10/12 16:41:27
                                                  Stay at home (nm) - Sal MU - 10/12 16:40:56
                                                  Private business can have whatever policy they choose. If - hefeweizen MU - 10/12 16:40:04
                                        COVID is one medical issue American’s face - Sal MU - 10/12 16:29:22
                                             The usual 2.8ish million people will die in the US this year - Eggs MU - 10/12 16:39:08
               Let's just assume they are the reason. Wear them and - hefeweizen MU - 10/12 16:09:52
                    You're assuming everyone will wear them - playhard NWMSU - 10/12 16:10:50
                         Then what is the solution? (nm) - Sal MU - 10/12 16:14:01
                              What's your solution? You seem to have all the - playhard NWMSU - 10/12 16:17:30
                                   Let people make their own decisions - Sal MU - 10/12 16:20:09
                                        Well Sal, it sounds like we're not that far away from a - playhard NWMSU - 10/12 16:33:10
                                             You are free to stay at home (nm) - Sal MU - 10/12 16:40:04
                                             Yes, do that and choose to stay home or not. Err on the side - hefeweizen MU - 10/12 16:38:42
                         The data speaks for itself(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 10/12 16:12:48
          Great. Open schools and football stadiums to capacity then(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 10/12 15:54:47
               RE: Great. Open schools and football stadiums to capacity then(nm) - MOCO SON MU - 10/12 15:56:35

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