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Since I'm itching

Posted on: September 12, 2020 at 16:49:38 CT
Doc_Nice MU
Member For:
25.53 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I'll show it myself.

#1 Trickle down economics. Give more money to the rich and some will make its way to the peasants.
--There is a fairly long history of this going back to Reagan, which continues today. The GOP's most recent tax cuts overwhelmingly favored the rich. And Trump has been trying to float a capital gains tax cut, again overwhelmingly favoring the rich. Supposedly, and despite all evidence, this is to improve the economy for everyone.

#2 I should hoist my religious beliefs onto you because my God is right and you are wrong. Abortion is clearly banned in the bible and gay people are sick. Granted, theocratic rule is a dangerous road for Christians too. What happens when someone says their form of Christianity is what you have to believe? Oh wait, that's already happening.
--The bible does not mention abortion at all, and yet it is the primary driver of voting for a significant portion of the GOP coalition, supposedly for religious reasons. GOP states regularly have pushed for laws limiting abortion. Disdain for gay rights is also a key motivator. Again, multiple GOP states have passed laws discriminating against gay marriage and gay rights (such as employment protection).

#3 More guns always keeps people more safe. We should all go around armed to the teeth so that every disagreement has the potential to be a deadly encounter. Unless you're black. Then we'll shoot you.
--The GOP has consistently voted for expanded gun carrying and owning rights. In response to mass shootings, the NRA consistently says that more people should have guns to stop these people. Right wing protesters regularly protest with assault rifles and guns, while black people are often arrest and shot for simply holding a gun.

#5 Healthcare is for people who can afford it. If you aren't lazy then you can get a job with health insurance.
--The GOP says all the right things about healthcare, but then never does anything. In fact, since Obamacare was passed, they haven't even proposed anything that the majority of their caucus can agree on. That leaves one to assume they think the least bad option is to keep what we have, which is healthcare for people who can afford it.

#6 America should lead the rest of the world by standing up and proclaiming how awesome the USA is and they'd all better do what we say, or else.
--Republicans were quite vocal that Obama's soft approach when talking to the world was offensive to them. They have responded positively to sabre rattling of the Bush/Cheney and Trump years. Not sure how else to interpret this?

#7 Voter fraud is a major issue facing our country, and we should put in place lots of checks to ensure that doesn't happen, even if it means some honest people can't vote. If they really wanted to, they would jump through those hoops.
--So many GOP led states have tried to suppress votes in the name of preventing voter fraud, how else could I interpret this? Voter rolls are purged aggressively, gerrymandering is outrageously implemented, GOP led courts strike down laws to allow easier voting, GOP legislatures strike down voter ballots to expand access to felons, GOP groups sue to stop mail in balloting. All in the name of stopping voter fraud that has not been shown to be a problem, and knowing that hundreds of thousands will have a hard time voting.

#8 Money is a form of free speech. If I have more money, I should have more speech.
--Democrats regularly campaign on limiting money in politics. It's possible they are not being sincere because they take big money, but at least they publicly call for it. The GOP doesn't even pretend.

#9 America is for Americans. Keep those damn muslims and mexicans out of here especially.
--Are you really even going to argue this one?

#10 The way to keep America safe is to have more police, more guns and severe penalties for breaking the law.
--Going back as far as I can think, the GOP has tried to position democrats as "soft on crime" and advocated for harsher sentences, more police and more martial tactics in law enforcement, even when evidence sometimes says those things don't work so well.

#11 Education is for elite snobs, and who wants to be one of those?
--This is more of an emerging trend than a platform, but higher education in red states are having a harder time getting funding because of hostility toward liberal elite colleges. Scientists and other experts are regularly dismissed as "elite so called experts" when their expert opinions don't match GOP rhetoric.

#12 Climate change, coronavirus, and any other scientific phenomenon may or may not be real. But if they are, there's not much we can do. And if there is, the cost is too high.
--I mean, just google it.

#13 Freedom means I can do whatever the f--- I want regardless of how it impacts other people.
--How many quotes do I need to Google of right wingers saying that masks are just a ploy to control people and it infringes on "my freedom"? Again, this might be more of the fringe of the party, but it's encroaching on the middle.

#14 People on welfare, food stamps or disability are usually lazy and just taking advantage of our generosity at the cost of hard working taxpayers.
--I mean, this could be the title of a book about the history of Fox News

#15 The media, universities, judges and pretty much anyone with a credible, objective opinion is biased against real conservatives.
--Name me one credible source of expert judgment that exists today that hasn't been accused of having liberal bias. I'm genuinely curious if you can come up with one.
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     The real GOP platform - Doc_Nice MU - 9/12 15:33:23
          well that was one giant straw man - pickle MU - 9/12 16:08:42
               By definition you are right - Doc_Nice MU - 9/12 16:17:45
                    Since I'm itching - Doc_Nice MU - 9/12 16:49:38
     Why God's do to earn Respect ? Oh and one thing yet - raskolnikov MU - 9/12 14:31:38
     Same thing. Well....according to JG anyway.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 9/12 12:19:49
     The democrats have never taxed or spent as much as trump(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/12 12:19:28
          Where has Trump increased taxes? Nm - Savage KC - 9/12 14:16:20
               Everywhere(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/12 14:41:51
                    Yeah you’re not totally full of sh*t lmao - Savage KC - 9/12 15:12:32
          Gee, wonder whats going on now that could cause that? - GA Tiger MU - 9/12 12:20:38
               keep thinking there’s a difference, GAT (nm) - pickle MU - 9/12 13:40:34
               Trump giving bums on unemployment even more?(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/12 12:22:04
     Reads like an 8th grade civics paper. (nm) - Newcatbirdseat MU - 9/12 11:30:20
          So 4 years above your reading level. - Tigrrrr! MU - 9/12 11:36:02
               Oink. (nm) - Newcatbirdseat MU - 9/12 11:37:24
          you’re being kind (nm) - pickle MU - 9/12 11:34:39
     That’s a start on the differences(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 9/12 11:29:44
     you’re both wrong and ignorant (nm) - pickle MU - 9/12 11:26:08
          RE: you’re both wrong and ignorant (nm) - MOCO SON MU - 9/12 11:27:41

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