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RE: Lol I didn't claim he didnt, freshman

Posted on: August 25, 2020 at 19:11:03 CT
tigerNkc KC
Member For:
21.63 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
“In truth, the day that a woman was killed and many others injured after a man plowed his car into a group of counter protesters, Trump said, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides.”
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     You got a thing against White Supremacists - but seriously - raskolnikov MU - 8/25 18:06:52
          some of David's best Psalms were wishing death on his - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/25 19:38:54
               The Old Testament has some far out stories. - Toger STL - 8/25 19:58:20
          Do you think Marquise Love is a white supremacist? (nm) - Sal MU - 8/25 19:29:50
          Many lives will be saved by shooting violent looters. Will - Emoji Man MSU - 8/25 18:12:24
               Can you quantify this many - JG A - 8/25 18:27:51
               Then prosecute the Proud Boys(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 8/25 18:26:54
                    what did they loot?(nm) - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/25 19:40:51
          Um, you might want to see this. Charlottesville organizer - tigerNkc MU - 8/25 18:11:53
               Uhhh you mean the guy who was one of - mizzoumurfkc KC - 8/25 18:25:41
                    Hmm, Trump didn’t disavow them at the time? Might check - tigerNkc MU - 8/25 18:44:15
                         Lol I didn't claim he didnt, freshman - mizzoumurfkc KC - 8/25 18:50:54
                              RE: Lol I didn't claim he didnt, freshman - tigerNkc MU - 8/25 19:11:03
                              There were legit people there protesting the removal of - Uncle Fester USMC - 8/25 19:10:30
          He prays for the innocent people protecting themselves - tigertix MU - 8/25 18:09:30
          Trump - JG A - 8/25 18:09:22
               No. Allah(nm) - jmlppx MU - 8/25 18:11:03
               It's idiots like you that got him elected - mu4ever DUKE - 8/25 18:11:01
                    Guilty. I did say I preferred him to Ragliar's Hillary - JG A - 8/25 18:25:53
               your god king is a moving target, whomever or whatever - tigertix MU - 8/25 18:10:50
                    Xenu! (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 8/25 19:02:12
                    LOL - JG A - 8/25 18:27:09

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