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RE: who are your top 5 favorite bands or solo artists?

Posted on: August 21, 2020 at 11:31:28 CT
pickle MU
Member For:
26.12 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
The Smiths
The Rolling Stones
The Pillows
Chuck Prophet
Death Cab for Cutie

my answers would probably be different tomorrow or even an hour from now
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     Queen, Fleetwood Mac, Alan Parson's Project, Boston - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/21 11:44:30
          I forgot about Queen...they might replace one of mine(nm) - playhard NWMSU - 8/21 11:45:22
     RE: who are your top 5 favorite bands or solo artists? - playhard NWMSU - 8/21 11:43:15
     Grateful Dead, Allman Brothers, Wilco, - mizzou541 KC - 8/21 11:33:43
          .....and if you give me.... weed, whites, and wine(nm) - bactgr MU - 8/21 11:36:34
     U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Neds Atomic Dustbin, Jimmy Eat - Carlos Rossi KC - 8/21 11:33:20
          The County Crows guy has a whiny voice(nm) - playhard NWMSU - 8/21 11:44:32
          Jimmy Eat World is one of the better shows I've seen (nm) - zoomer 99 - 8/21 11:34:30
               I still haven’t seen them live.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 8/21 11:36:58
                    it just takes some time (nm) - pickle MU - 8/21 11:40:54
          Neds Atomic Dustbin - pickle MU - 8/21 11:34:13
               Yep. It’s odd for sure, but they were great live. Saw them - Carlos Rossi KC - 8/21 11:36:32
                    did they even have a second album? (nm) - pickle MU - 8/21 11:40:27
                         Yes - it was better than the first. Then they died off.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 8/21 11:48:50
     RE: who are your top 5 favorite bands or solo artists? - pickle MU - 8/21 11:31:28
     In no order - dangertim MU - 8/21 11:17:21
          I've never heard of any of those bands in your top 5 - playhard NWMSU - 8/21 11:24:02
     Crosby Stills and Nash and Dunhill(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 8/21 11:15:37
          Nice to see you away from the poli board(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 8/21 11:16:58
               dangertim gave me permission(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 8/21 11:18:06
                    the f*ck I did. Go back to your hole(nm) - dangertim MU - 8/21 11:19:10
                         hahah got you (nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 8/21 11:19:57
     mine: - phrejd MU - 8/21 11:12:44
          Solid - DevilsAdvocate KC - 8/21 11:14:02
               super brief period in time, but them and For Squirrels - phrejd MU - 8/21 11:15:44
     RE: who are your top 5 favorite bands or solo artists? - bactgr MU - 8/21 11:09:40
          i'm much more into this list now (nm) - phrejd MU - 8/21 11:14:15
          Confession - DevilsAdvocate KC - 8/21 11:10:49
     Ham Wallet, Ess A Dee, Toxic Megacolon, Poop Knife - cnk ATL - 8/21 11:08:19
          you say you're a fan of TM but I've never gotten a beej from - dangertim MU - 8/21 11:18:18
               Sorry, I only do that at Ess A Dee shows - cnk ATL - 8/21 11:23:57
                    damn subliminal messages work every time(nm) - dangertim MU - 8/21 11:33:20
                         it's not very subliminal - cnk ATL - 8/21 11:36:27
                              "Please come backstage and suck our dicks after the show" - dangertim MU - 8/21 11:41:50
          Jon Lajoie - colonel angus beef KC - 8/21 11:10:20
               2 Lajoie references in 30 seconds? - cnk ATL - 8/21 11:11:11
     Tool, Alice in Chains, Metallica, Beastie Boys, whole bunch - sYsTiger MU - 8/21 11:04:48
          AIC could have easily made my cut - DevilsAdvocate KC - 8/21 11:06:00
               And I forget the Pixies...(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 8/21 11:07:55
     RE: who are your top 5 favorite bands or solo artists? - DevilsAdvocate KC - 8/21 11:04:20
          i'll flame, but not the ones you're expecting - phrejd MU - 8/21 11:06:08
               RE: i'll flame, but not the ones you're expecting - DevilsAdvocate KC - 8/21 11:07:00
     eagles, U2, rush, nickelback, tull (nm) - zoomer 99 - 8/21 11:04:00
          Nickleback's old stuff is solid(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 8/21 11:05:06
          nice (nm) - phrejd MU - 8/21 11:05:02

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