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Antifa, just a catch-all phrase for who? A scapegoat?

Posted on: June 1, 2020 at 08:13:05 CT
TexJohnson MU
Member For:
5.30 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
First, the rioting is ridiculous and no sane person would condone it.

As for antifa, how do you identify a domestic group as terroisst? Even if you wanted to, how do you identify them from a protestor exercising their constitutional rights? Who's the leader? Where and when do they meet? How do you get ahold of them?

Those who need to now have their homophobic rant in response to this, take a breath and try to answer like a person who graduated middle school.
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Antifa, just a catch-all phrase for who? A scapegoat? - TexJohnson MU - 6/1 08:13:05
     Sux is a silly little homo. - Emoji Man MSU - 6/1 09:20:00
     clearly libtards sux(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 6/1 08:29:38
     Black clothes, masks and weapons (skateboards, etc.) - tigerfans3 MU - 6/1 08:23:03
          Why do you derps make something up and act like it's true? - TexJohnson MU - 6/1 08:25:32
               I am your enemy - tigerfans3 MU - 6/1 08:35:27
               RE: Why do you derps make something up and act like it's true? - DollarSigns MU - 6/1 08:34:18
     There is no way to designate the skinny jean army as a - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 6/1 08:21:39
     There is no group - raskolnikov MU - 6/1 08:20:00
     Yeah, all of this questioning... - Gyro MU - 6/1 08:14:45
          As requested, your post seems to have been written by a - hokie VT - 6/1 08:18:34
               As you look up "pragmatic" in the dictionary... - Gyro MU - 6/1 08:19:54
                    He poses as smart but rarely engages in an educated way - TexJohnson MU - 6/1 08:23:56
                         Ever considered posing as smart? No one would buy it, but - hokie VT - 6/1 08:34:14
                         Very few if any of the Trumpers (or pickle) can talk... - Gyro MU - 6/1 08:26:22

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