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Nutshell: Lock down not necessary. Virus lethality not

Posted on: May 28, 2020 at 21:48:31 CT
RayKinsella1922 SEC
Member For:
9.05 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
serious. 80 and over primarily at risk. Younger should not lock down unless they have a serious existing condition.

Dolores Cahill, PhD
Graduate Degree in Molecular Genetics, PhD in immunology (antibodies to fight cancer)
1997 Research started:
Profile anti-bodies in serum
targeted AIDS then Cancer in research
Determined that anti-bodies revealed what viruses had been present
Further research in proteins and libraries (anti-bodies)
Been working on sharing/cross verfiying data across researchers to validate results globally
Dr Cahill's research was validated this way
Basically discovered that research was not cross-validated among researchers well at all
Lot of resistance to validating process, researchers wanted their papers to stand without validating
ProtoGen was her company, sold in 2019
Developed a vaccine for meningitis-b for Africa, UN Funded.
Just the meningits proteins alone were able to elicit an immune response alone (no adjuvants needed)
Essentially the proteins triggered the immune systemt to kill the meningitis bacteria.
She also ran a Class 2 and Class 3 virus lab.
She has also worked in a Class 4 lab.
When she worked in that lab each worker was told she was liable for 500,000 Deutschmarks personally if anything happened.
If you released anything that hurt anyone you were personally responsible and could prosecuted.

Dr. Cahill's themes:

Data Integrity.
Good High Quality Science.

In early February started fielding questions from American doctors about use of HQ & this virus.

Immune system clears this virus in 10 days, and then you are immune for life.

Half of the people who die are over 80 - no issue with younger people unless they have some existing condition.

No need for the lock down.

The virus is not nearly as lethal as the media are reporting.

Viruses circulate the globe in 3-4 weeks. Peak on 22nd of March. Peak infection ten days before on the 12th.

United States has already cleared the virus.

No need for lock down.

In Feb & March it was already known from Taiwan & South Korea that the lock down was unnecessary.

Again, those that died were elderly.

Never in the history of viruses have healthy been quarantined.

80-90% of people first exposed to COVID19 are asymptotic.

These people 'clear the globe' of the virus, protecting the elderly who would naturally shelter in place.

Even if people don't have the anti-bodies developed yet for the virus, they may also not have the receptors for the virus and simply can't get it.

The lock down was essentially shutting down nature's natural defense mechanism (herd immunity)

Social distancing also creates this effect, not exposing when exposing actual creates herd immunity.

Because viruses circulate the globe in 3-4 weeks it's not possible for lock downs to help.

Should have quarantined people over 75 or who have existing conditions.

Do not quarantine the healthy.

Let the healthy get exposed to the virus to develop herd immunity.

1 HQ tablet lasts 3 weeks.

Media is treating the virus as if it's Class IV, but HQ is an effective treatment, reduces it back to a Class II virus.

What happened in Italy? That area of Italy had received a lot of test vaccines. Apparently these vaccines weakened the immune systems of the elderly in this area.

HQ was used extensively in Wuhan. Worked very well.

Take vitamin D, C & Zinc & only HQ if they developed symptoms. This treatment would have saved Italy - and it was known from SARS and from Wuhan treatments.

Studies from soldiers given vaccines in 2017 & 2018 in the Wuhan area showed the vaccines made soldiers very susceptible to corona virus. this is called 'viral interference'. Cytokine storm, severe reactions. Many of the soldiers died after getting the vaccine and then just encounter corona viruses naturally.

Apparently this created a perfect storm in Italy as well.

HQ means there is no need for a vaccine. HQ is mass produced, cheap and proven safe and effective. Any other drug or vaccine has to proof itself better in the face of significant HQ track record.

Newer drugs are not safety tested. Many elements in vaccines are known to have 'adjuvants' that are highly toxic. No need for mercury, aluminum in vaccines when HQ treatment exists.

She says no need for social distancing, no need for lock down.

She says this one is transmitted by droplets.

Wearing masks is not necessary - wearing a mask reduces your own immunity.

If you have symptoms STAY AT HOME, that's it.

You stop a virus by getting a percentage of the population to become immune - this stops the circulation of the virus.

Kids should definitely go to school.

Elderly should be taking A,C, D & Zinc to boost their immune system with HQ on stand by.

Those who have cleared the virus are immune for life - that's the way the immune system works.

Health risks related to lock down are much greater than the virus.

Immune for life means businesses don't need special mitigation measures.

Dr. Cahill would support a case against mandatory vaccine - she volunteers to work with lawyers in Ireland to open a case against the 'RTE' Ireland's health agency in this regard.

Dr. Scott Jensen in the United States has come forward reporting the false labeling of deaths to COVID.

Dying 'WITH' vs. Dying 'OF'.

Reporting cases confirmed vs. 'immune for life' which is the way new cases should be reported.

Wales is reporting people dying from the lock down - not seeking health care, dying from existing conditions.

Irish Mirror says 6% death rate in Ireland. But then doesn't give the numbers to back that up. Also not clear about how prevalent the mislabelling.

Cahill says these deaths should stop if people will simply boost their immune systems.

Cahill says these deaths were preventable.

Cheap HQ + vitamins were known to work for all corona viruses.

The politicians and media were making people more sick by maximizing fear and ignoring known treatment.

In UK, 30,000 people were diagnosed with cancer in one month, then under COVID lockdown only 5,000 people were diagnosed. That's 25,000 people with cancer with no diagnosis or treatment!!!!

The deaths of those people (untreated) will be reported as the second wave.


Cahill talks about 'gain of infection' virus. A method of using a virus as a 'base' and changing one virus into another, basically.

This virus contains 12 nucleotides, the other corona viruses do not have this. It appears these were 'injected' into the virus.

Publication from Wuhan in October 2019 discusses this type of modification.

A PhD student from the Wuhan lab died, and it was after her funeral that people started get the initial symptoms.

Oct - Nov - Dec it was circulating in January.

There was an issue with this virus, but we've become immune to it.

'Gain of function' and 'nucleotide injection' was funded for 3.7M in China because a lot of other countries blocked the research.

The same researcher that was doing this research in North Carolina moved to the Wuhan lab. They published about this insertion and then they were able to identify it in patients. (published in Nature Medicine)

There is an addition to the COVID19 that makes it easier to enter the body and would not occur naturally.

There are hundreds of thousands of viruses in each of us

No need for guards, no need for checkpoints.

Going to the sea, hiking, going outside BOOSTS your immune system.

Those who need it should boost with A, C, D & Zinc with HQ on standby.

It's time to call out the government, the police, the media who are forwarding false information and fear on this.

It's like the government wants to destroy small business in Ireland - must take action to avoid this.

The civil service, the health care system, the government and the police are now currently working against Ireland.


The answer is to stand up and support local businesses.
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     Yes, this is an excellent video. There are quite a few out - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 5/28 20:24:02
          Give me the condensed version - Uncle Fester USMC - 5/28 20:25:30
               Nutshell: Lock down not necessary. Virus lethality not - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 5/28 21:48:31

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