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RE: History will show that Trump was a Russian Agent, even

Posted on: May 27, 2020 at 23:36:54 CT
North co-co champs MU
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President of the United States.......
Russian Agent for Putin

This is actually how the liberal brain operates.

On the other hand, that last bit about also being a Russian Spy infiltrating the Presidency makes him sound like the fvcking most boss baller in the history of mankind
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#Obamagate. Biggest criminal scandal in US political... - North co-co champs MU - 5/27 23:02:08
     .Morons gotta mor - JG A - 5/28 00:01:10
          DON’T TALK ABOUT MUH OBAMA LIKE THAT! (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 5/28 08:29:53
     Awesome - ashtray UF - 5/27 23:34:58
     fiction from the liar in chief - mgtiger MU - 5/27 23:18:07
          There is evidence of Obama spying on his political - Sal MU - 5/28 07:50:36
          RE: fiction: For almost four years you believed the most - BH O'bonga MU - 5/28 07:04:31
          I'd be crying if I were you too... imagine having your - North co-co champs MU - 5/27 23:40:00
          Attempted COUP By Criminals And Traitors At The Direction Of - Uncle Fester USMC - 5/27 23:26:06
          This board is full of them - mizzoumurfkc KC - 5/27 23:21:01
               What's false about it? (nm) - Sal MU - 5/28 07:50:54
          so obummer didn’t spy on the trump campaign? Good to know(nm) - TigerFan92 MU - 5/27 23:19:59
     History will show that Trump was a Russian Agent, even - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 5/27 23:08:12
          RE: History will show that Trump was a Russian Agent, even - North co-co champs MU - 5/27 23:36:54
     The textbooks may say that, but professors get nice kickback - Tigrrrr! MU - 5/27 23:06:50

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