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People can wear masks all they want... just don't lie to me

Posted on: May 21, 2020 at 17:10:14 CT
Spanky KU
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20.56 yrs
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and say they are an essential element to reopen my state and get people back to work... they are an arbitrary symbol seemingly chosen at random. Why not require latex gloves in public? Full face shields? If masks are so important, why not require the EFFECTIVE mask be worn instead of allowing bandannas, cut up t shirts and the like?
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Anyone who wears a mask: - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 5/21 15:45:07
     Are you looking forward to starting Jr High this year ? - raskolnikov MU - 5/21 17:35:40
     4. Required to wear one - 615Tiger STL - 5/21 16:39:44
     I'm #2, no harm done, over 60 with 2 family members - tigerinhogtown STL - 5/21 15:55:39
          Then you and those family members should crawl into a bubble - Spanky KU - 5/21 16:06:54
               So people shouldn't wear masks because that scares you? - Mo Texan MU - 5/21 16:11:29
                    People can wear masks all they want... just don't lie to me - Spanky KU - 5/21 17:10:14
          Then you should find a doctor that will put them on HQ - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 5/21 15:59:10
     Does this apply to trump's minions, rhaytard?(nm) - tigerdb MU - 5/21 15:50:40
          Mostly just you db.(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 5/21 15:52:27
               Put your user name in your obit so we know when the - GMT MU - 5/21 15:59:48
                    you think a virus less lethal than a common cold is going to - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 5/21 16:01:01
                         You are a fool. Geez - GMT MU - 5/21 19:35:13

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