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We can't even adequately equip ourselves. Governors are

Posted on: May 4, 2020 at 08:27:26 CT
SparkyStalcup MU
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12.58 yrs
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having to fly in supplies literally under the radar to secret bases to keep the federales from seizing them.

Edited by SparkyStalcup at 08:28:44 on 05/04/20
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Pretty perceptive - FIJItiger MU - 5/4 07:29:35
     Typical left-wing NWO Anti-American, commie diatribe. - Fourth and Long MU - 5/4 08:23:39
     We are supplying the globe with equipment, we are supplying - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/4 08:07:18
          DUDE, save some of that kool aid for others, geez(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:12:53
               Care to refute anything I said? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/4 08:21:38
                    Respond with ad homs. powerfull - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:27:39
                         We have supplied more ventilators than the rest of the globe - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/4 08:30:31
                              MAGA MAGA MAGA - slow down on that kool aid - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:42:56
                                   The United States has supplied more ventilators during this - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/4 08:48:59
                                        You might consider this, Yankee Doodle Donnie - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:53:37
                                             You can cut and paste all you want - it does not change the - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/4 08:57:29
                                                  Prove it - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 09:05:44
                                                       I take that back - stick to cut and pasting the work of - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/4 09:07:33
                                   I don't think you understood what he posted (nm) - Sal MU - 5/4 08:48:12
                    We can't even adequately equip ourselves. Governors are - SparkyStalcup MU - 5/4 08:27:26
                         We have supplied more ventilators than the rest of the - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/4 08:31:10
                              We have ONE leading mftr of ventilators - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:44:00
                                   The United States has provided more ventilators - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/4 08:52:05
                                        RE: The United States has provided more ventilators - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:54:10
                                             See my other response - your cut and paste does not have - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/4 08:58:21
                                                  You are trying vainly to suggest that the US has been heroic - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 09:08:50
                         4Tigs is deep in the kool aid(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:28:19
     Good deal, it's not our job to hold the world's hands - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 5/4 08:06:56
          Or last, in this case (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 5/4 08:28:26
               That makes no sense(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 5/4 08:39:54
     the current swede govt didn't wait for the americans (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 5/4 07:45:35
          Do you think the US would be better off if we followed the - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 07:56:14
               How did national healthcare work out for Italians? - RHAYWORTH MU - 5/4 08:25:51
                    All in all very well. Thanks for asking - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:29:15
                         What a terrible lie from a partisan hack. - RHAYWORTH MU - 5/4 08:36:34
                              Your logic betrayed by your passion - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:49:48
                                   Yes, reject logic for your emotional feelings. - RHAYWORTH MU - 5/4 09:05:09
                                        Your logic failed. Mine if fine(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 09:09:47
               What does the "National Health Care" have to do with it? - ummmm MU - 5/4 08:13:38
                    You "would say close to 98%" - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:20:49
                         Yeah, I don't know the exact figure because the data has - ummmm MU - 5/4 08:29:40
                              So, you "would say close to 98%" based on data that you say - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:36:58
                                   65 and older are Medicare eligible. Those people are in - ummmm MU - 5/4 08:39:25
                         hbp, obesity, and hypertension are a result of bad diet - MizzouAstro MU - 5/4 08:26:19
                              So - to be clear then - your view of "health care" is solely - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:30:16
                                   since that's what it is, yes(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 5/4 08:39:58
                                        Thanks for clarifying where you stand - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:55:19
                    To be fair, there was that one teenager who was turned - MizzouAstro MU - 5/4 08:15:18
                         Of course, you must be right - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:22:10
                    And don't most of the countries with a higher - Sal MU - 5/4 08:15:06
                         They do. (nm) - ummmm MU - 5/4 08:15:30
               Are you suggesting Sweden's efforts weren't based - Sal MU - 5/4 08:13:31
               RE: Do you think the US would be better off if we followed the - scan MU - 5/4 07:58:20
                    Answer the question(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:01:46
                    he spent a lifetime preparing for these unprecedented times(nm) - SwampTiger MU - 5/4 07:59:03
                         Fail(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 5/4 08:01:18
                         He represents the worst kind of person. He's a dishonest - hefeweizen MU - 5/4 08:00:47
               lol rask (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 5/4 07:58:19
               Just stfu. You are a dishonest pos partisan hack (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 5/4 07:57:19
     Summary: - Newcatbirdseat MU - 5/4 07:38:57
     RE: Pretty perceptive: No, its nonsense from a foreigner - BH O'bonga MU - 5/4 07:37:19

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