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Your faux Christianity is an abomination, homophobe derp

Posted on: April 23, 2020 at 09:13:37 CT
TexJohnson MU
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5.30 yrs
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You're going to Hell for eternity.Your choice.Enjoy.
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     Contrast this situation to a gov't shutdown. A gov't... - Lerxst MU - 4/23 09:26:47
          Mother Gubmint must never be questioned or harmed. - jonesin - 4/23 09:36:39
     Not sure they would, Hokie - Mormad MU - 4/23 09:24:33
          Didn’t see it, but i think CNN did that so they can say - hokie VT - 4/23 09:35:07
               They're clearly not non-partisan - Mormad MU - 4/23 09:46:44
                    All true. But i think it’s more sinister than that. They - hokie VT - 4/23 09:55:07
                         Ya gotta admit - Mormad MU - 4/23 09:58:37
                              All Rs give them ammunition. Trump engages them, exposes - hokie VT - 4/23 10:01:41
                                   lol (nm) - ashtray UF - 4/23 10:03:18
     Didn’t you already make this stupid post?(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 4/23 09:14:43
     Poor guy. It's just so unfair! (nm) - ashtray UF - 4/23 09:12:33
     Derps create fantasies and then act as if they're real - TexJohnson MU - 4/23 09:04:08
          Kote, you are too stupid to be original. What you posted - hokie VT - 4/23 09:17:28
               irony (nm) - ashtray UF - 4/23 09:18:37
          SuxJohnson, your homosexuality is an abomination to God. - Emoji Man MSU - 4/23 09:07:09
               Your faux Christianity is an abomination, homophobe derp - TexJohnson MU - 4/23 09:13:37
                    Are your really a pole smoker - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 4/23 09:18:35
                         Methinks the homo doth protest too much. Amirite?!? - Emoji Man MSU - 4/23 09:43:19
                         Thought you were smarter than this, to ask this question - TexJohnson MU - 4/23 09:23:52
                              Me Catholic? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 4/23 09:40:29
                              He's a pious Lutheran - Nohawks KC - 4/23 09:33:13
                                   I am a Lutheran who is also a poor, miserable sinner - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 4/23 09:42:47
                                        Well of course. I've always said - Nohawks KC - 4/23 09:46:28
                                             That is a great question, but the answer goes back to the - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 4/23 09:48:55
                                                  And as a result we have what Augustine termed - Nohawks KC - 4/23 10:05:54
                                                       Augustine was a wise man - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 4/23 10:09:31
                                                  Eve was tempted. - jonesin - 4/23 09:53:05
                                                       There is nothing new under the sun - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 4/23 10:06:17
                    LOL. Sux is having another homo hissy fit. Repent! - Emoji Man MSU - 4/23 09:15:13
     There is no surprise the mainstream media will simply oppose - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 4/23 09:01:53
          And in the fall if/when there is a spike, Ds will say trump - hokie VT - 4/23 09:10:14
               The good news is that it just doesn't work anymore - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 4/23 09:17:01
                    Kinda. But it also solidifies his opposition among the - hokie VT - 4/23 09:19:55
                         And that is the reason Benny Franklin gave the dire warning - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 4/23 09:44:05
                              ...and those who elect to remain ignorant will elect our - hokie VT - 4/23 10:06:07
                                   lol (nm) - ashtray UF - 4/23 10:09:58
                         The horror! (nm) - ashtray UF - 4/23 09:21:43
     Nm - hokie VT - 4/23 08:59:06
          One of your better posts in a while(nm) - meatiger MU - 4/23 09:01:09
     Lol(nm) - Panthera MU - 4/23 08:56:53
          The lady panther goes vague. And looks stupid doing so. Nm - hokie VT - 4/23 09:00:28
               Lol(nm) - Panthera MU - 4/23 09:06:09
     No they wouldn't.(nm) - glue MU - 4/23 08:55:25
     you are a fragile little thing (nm) - pickle MU - 4/23 08:54:49
     No..they would not - meatiger MU - 4/23 08:47:34
          Ds are well known for their principled consistency without - hokie VT - 4/23 08:53:52
               irony (nm) - ashtray UF - 4/23 09:13:43
               you’ve never shown principled consistency - pickle MU - 4/23 08:55:29

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