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I don't get it. He could have the flu and be

Posted on: April 6, 2020 at 17:16:41 CT
90Tiger STL
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22.35 yrs
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hospitalized as well. Tens of thousands die in the US every year from the flu. Is this news to you?
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     Why? A single person catching it is relevant - tman MU - 4/7 00:36:49
     bizarre twist of fate for sure------- - SEC_BIG_GAMEHUNTER SEC - 4/6 21:04:31
     He will be miraculously cured by hydroxycloroquine. - Savage KC - 4/6 17:58:58
          that would be hilarious (nm) - Sal MU - 4/6 18:37:33
               How so?(nm) - tigerdb MU - 4/6 20:06:50
                    Because people would lose their minds (nm) - Sal MU - 4/6 20:07:16
                         Why?(nm) - tigerdb MU - 4/6 22:16:20
     Look for more of these such instances worldwide. - Diamond Dave MU - 4/6 17:55:24
     When the recently approved antibody tests come out in a - SEMOTiger1 SEMO - 4/6 17:41:30
          I was out in late January for a week. Sickest I had - Erwin Fletcher STL - 4/6 17:55:06
          Possibly even earlier than that. (nm) - ummmm MU - 4/6 17:45:28
               I am going to say as early as October (nm) - HandBanana MU - 4/6 17:56:00
                    My elderly parents came back from a trip to Italy then - HandBanana MU - 4/6 17:58:02
                         RE: My elderly parents came back from a trip to Italy then - SEMOTiger1 SEMO - 4/6 18:00:45
               yep(nm) - SEMOTiger1 SEMO - 4/6 17:47:29
          Same - RBT STL - 4/6 17:43:34
               RE: Same - SEMOTiger1 SEMO - 4/6 17:56:07
          Had a fever in the low 100's right after New Years and - Fred G. Sanford MSU - 4/6 17:43:31
               That was just the chili and the booze. (nm) - UncleTupelo KC - 4/6 17:49:40
                    You're UncleTupelo, not DoctorTupelo(nm) - Fred G. Sanford MSU - 4/6 17:50:27
                         Quite quite. (nm) - UncleTupelo KC - 4/6 19:14:32
     There really isn't much they can do once you have it - TigerNuts KC - 4/6 17:41:24
          I would think that he had access to the chloroquine cocktail - tigerdb MU - 4/6 17:59:53
               Some people cannot take that(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 4/6 20:17:09
          what do you mean by "how seriously he was infected"? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 4/6 17:46:53
     That man doesn't give a f*ck what his hair looks like. - UncleTupelo KC - 4/6 17:26:36
     I don't get it. He could have the flu and be - 90Tiger STL - 4/6 17:16:41
     it’s not really an example of anything (nm) - pickle MU - 4/6 17:13:50
          gfy idiot - Macgrantt MU - 4/6 17:15:40
               do you need a hug? (nm) - pickle MU - 4/6 17:20:51
               it's hard to pinpoint when your meltdowns start or stop (nm) - phrejd MU - 4/6 17:16:37
                    You consider telling this moran to gfy is a meltdown? - Macgrantt MU - 4/6 17:27:00
                         divorced asian female? (nm) - pickle MU - 4/6 17:31:02
                    maybe gfy = good for you? (nm) - pickle MU - 4/6 17:22:07
                    pretty sure they don't (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 4/6 17:16:56
                         Well hi there pumkin, been out torturing animals today? - Macgrantt MU - 4/6 17:29:43
                              are you yearning for human interaction? - pickle MU - 4/6 17:31:43
                                   Stop projecting your psychological and psychosexual issues - Macgrantt MU - 4/6 17:34:08
                                        do you think your behavior is rational and healthy? - pickle MU - 4/6 17:37:17
                                             Stop projecting your psychological and psychosexual issues - Macgrantt MU - 4/6 17:38:47
                                                  do you think your behavior is rational and healthy - pickle MU - 4/6 17:41:08
                                                       Stop projecting your psychological and psychosexual issues - Macgrantt MU - 4/6 18:04:51
                                                            get a therapist - pickle MU - 4/6 18:09:02
     Yet up until recently there were still people who questioned - BigSlickTiger MU - 4/6 17:11:45
          Change "until recently" to "even now."(nm) - zodiac6 JC - 4/6 17:35:59
          wow. seig heil, comrade (nm) - pickle MU - 4/6 17:14:11
               comparing everything to nazis - zoomer KC - 4/6 17:19:31
                    "everything" or just fascist government actions involving - 90Tiger STL - 4/6 17:48:16
          Sure, if you're a sheep (nm) - Sal MU - 4/6 17:12:08
     Listening to people who have had it is scary stuff. You can - Erwin Fletcher STL - 4/6 17:08:22
          I'm sure the people who have died from the flu - Sal MU - 4/6 17:11:00
               They can't disagree(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 4/6 17:11:27
                    lol (nm) - Sal MU - 4/6 17:11:46
                         Geez(nm) - mattieo86 MU - 4/6 18:21:50
     What about the thousands of other people in the ICU? - Eggs MU - 4/6 17:06:44
          It's more impactful because you know he likely has had - StaleyTiger MU - 4/6 17:09:43
     the argument isn't about comparing - Sal MU - 4/6 17:05:14

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