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Obama: Joplin has to be appreciative to receive help

Posted on: March 28, 2020 at 09:06:33 CT
ivan drago MU
Member For:
10.92 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Imagine had Barack Obama said that after the tornado. We already know what the response would have been. Dems would’ve led the impeachment. But Trump says it about Michigan and others, and nothing. He gets the biggest pass of any President ever.

Oh, and it was well-documented his administration was ill-equipped for a pandemic, after being warned several times.


All of this protecting of him is because his supporters are deeply entrenched with him, seeing him as a savior of white people. That’s why they will never admit what a failure he is, despite the results. They only care about white supremacy, and they are willing to die for it..
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Obama: Joplin has to be appreciative to receive help - ivan drago MU - 3/28 09:06:33
     Take your race bait and shove it up your phucking ass. - jonesin - 3/28 11:10:04
     Because by his standards it’s not shocking(nm) - Iam4Mizzou MU - 3/28 09:21:14
     Well, in a fact-free, press-free world . . . - raskolnikov MU - 3/28 09:20:16
          You mean like that fact free video you keep posting?(nm) - Spanky KU - 3/28 10:14:41
     What a phony set up with no link, lie to make a point - TexJohnson MU - 3/28 09:13:42
          Thanks for giving us the homo perspective, Sux. - Emoji Man MSU - 3/28 09:14:47
               You ever wonder why your put downs are homophobic 24/7 - TexJohnson MU - 3/28 09:16:49
                    Well, with you its because you’re a homo. - Emoji Man MSU - 3/28 09:17:55
                         Who thinks being homophobic wins an argument? - TexJohnson MU - 3/28 09:22:45
                              How have you been getting laid? Aren’t gay bars closed down? - Emoji Man MSU - 3/28 09:29:21
                                   No idea, defer to you for such knowledge, are they? - TexJohnson MU - 3/28 09:31:19
                                        SuxJohnson is a flailing faggot. He’s really triggered. - Emoji Man MSU - 3/28 09:33:53
                                             See somebody about your projecting 24/7, or start crying, - TexJohnson MU - 3/28 09:35:21
     There's a reason he's considered the worst president in - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/28 09:11:38
          yes trump is an affirmative action president - ivan drago MU - 3/28 09:13:00
               No Kenya Barry never accomplished anything other than being - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/28 09:13:58
                    yeah sure - ivan drago MU - 3/28 09:16:55
                    he never caused a pandemic, though - ashtray UF - 3/28 09:14:32
     Racism---it is all racism 100% time--racism - mu7176grad MU - 3/28 09:10:00
          why do trump supporters support trump?? - ivan drago MU - 3/28 09:11:28
               I am not a Trump supporter - mu7176grad MU - 3/28 09:19:41
                    Occams Razor. Its racism - ivan drago MU - 3/28 09:26:21
                         You must live a terrible life with racists everywhere - mu7176grad MU - 3/28 09:35:20
     👌🏽 - Emoji Man MSU - 3/28 09:08:02
     It’s a little late. She’s dead. Nm - hokie VT - 3/28 09:07:56
          are klan rallies still allowed while quarantined? - ivan drago MU - 3/28 09:10:56
               Our klan meetings are held in my basement. Nm - hokie VT - 3/28 09:14:28
               There hasn't been a klan rally in a coon’s age. - Emoji Man MSU - 3/28 09:11:50
          I think he was talking about Scott Joplin. - Emoji Man MSU - 3/28 09:08:34

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