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You claim to be muslim.

Posted on: March 25, 2020 at 17:14:35 CT
MizzouTigerz MU
Member For:
20.94 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Muslims deny God is a triune being.
Muslims deny Jesus Christ is Almighty God in the flesh
Muslims deny God shed His blood to pay for sin
Muslims deny the incarnation of God through the virgin birth.
Muslims deny that you obtain an intimate personal familial relationship with God and can know Him personally, by His will, with Him causing a new birth when one confesses his or her sin, thereby entrusting their soul to God for their eternal future.

Being Muslim means denying the core truths of the Christian faith. Muslims are deists, Christians are theists. We do not believe the same things as to the true nature of God. God is a triune being. The false version of the muslim god is a deity, who is impersonal and distant, and requires people to earn salvation, which can never be earned. It can only be received as a gift. See John 1:1-14, and on this point in particular 1:12.

pesh itta

Edited by MizzouTigerz at 02:41:13 on 03/26/20
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Sweaty Pancake Pompeo looked quite upset in - vmissouri MU - 3/24 01:33:53
     Tiny Iran, w/ 1/4 of U.S. population, and triple the CV dead - MizzouTigerz MU - 3/24 02:44:44
          This is not about Covid-19, but after what happened to - vmissouri MU - 3/24 02:58:44
               God is my father. I have no fear. - MizzouTigerz MU - 3/24 04:27:56
                    RE: God is my father. I have no fear. - vmissouri MU - 3/24 04:36:08
                         RE: God is my father. I have no fear. - MizzouTigerz MU - 3/24 05:03:39
                              Yikes, god said he wants you to enjoy the video (nm) - vmissouri MU - 3/24 05:04:23
                                   RE: Yikes, god said he wants you to enjoy the video (nm) - MizzouTigerz MU - 3/24 05:20:55
                                        That's you right now buddy, LOL (nm) - vmissouri MU - 3/24 05:37:36
                                             You're one who denies that Jesus is the Christ, Almighty God - MizzouTigerz MU - 3/24 22:55:54
                                                  says who? (nm) - vmissouri MU - 3/25 05:57:54
                                                       You claim to be muslim. - MizzouTigerz MU - 3/25 17:14:35

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