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RE: I’m sure there are some nice TN fans but in my experience

Posted on: January 4, 2020 at 08:51:07 CT
allvol UT
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9.54 yrs
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SEC fans in general come across as arrogant and hateful on social media. I’ve not found that to be the case when interacting in person, except for the shared hatred of most fan bases for the bama bandwagon fans.
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East went 4-0 - VirginiaGator UF - 1/2 21:52:00
     I was rooting for them. (nm) - Uncle John MU - 1/3 13:03:03
     Agree - it’s always good pub for the conference - Genco98 MU - 1/3 05:36:06
          Don't know why the sec needs "good pub". I'd - GA Tiger MU - 1/3 08:03:53
               Then let's join the Sun Belt - Genco98 MU - 1/3 12:02:35
                    Good point but there is a happy medium. I still don't - GA Tiger MU - 1/3 12:54:52
     I hate ut - Iam4Mizzou MU - 1/3 04:42:31
          Love them - Genco98 MU - 1/4 13:46:54
          The Volhuskers are the only SEC team I cant root for(nm) - Tptiger MU - 1/3 07:55:36
          me too, iam - lqf2b8 MU - 1/3 07:46:27
               Me three. nm - Spartus MWSC - 1/3 07:49:14
     No I will never ever root for TN they literally despise MU - Beakerbasher KC - 1/3 00:18:17
          Not even remotely true. - allvol UT - 1/3 21:13:12
               I’m sure there are some nice TN fans but in my experience - Beakerbasher KC - 1/3 21:55:38
                    RE: I’m sure there are some nice TN fans but in my experience - allvol UT - 1/4 08:51:07
     Getting lucky against a basketball school is nothing to - Carlos Rossi KC - 1/2 22:52:27
          We're becoming a basketball school. :/(nm) - jake_mu MU - 1/3 03:21:34
     Would have preferred to see the Vols lose to - MKrip MU - 1/2 22:26:55
     RE: East went 4-0 - Cosmo MU - 1/2 21:54:45
          that's great (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 1/2 22:16:14
     Yeah solid win against Indiana(nm) - Diamond Dave MU - 1/2 21:53:33
          Said no one ever(nm) - MKrip MU - 1/2 23:04:11

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