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Ok heres rthe facts

Posted on: December 1, 2019 at 17:39:40 CT
blitz2win MU
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Lane Kiffin finds a new way to show he hasn't grown up in latest early exit
Just look at Kiffin's history: He has never left a big-time job without some acrimony

by Jon Solomon
Jan 2, 2017 at 1:47 pm ET • 5 min read

Leave it to Lane Kiffin to get fired from a job he already quit.
If you're keeping score at home, this is how Kiffin has left his past four jobs:
Called a liar by owner Al Davis when fired by the Oakland Raiders
Set off riots at Tennessee when he left the Vols in the middle of the night after one year for his dream job at Southern California
Got fired at the airport by USC one month into the 2013 season
Essentially got fired by a legendary coach a week before the national title game
Make no mistake: Kiffin said and did things last week leading up to the Peach Bowl that looked like a coach who quit on a school that essentially fired him so he had to become Florida Atlantic's coach. Behind the scenes, some Alabama staff members said the Peach Bowl week was filled with Kiffin drama and the offense had poor practices in Atlanta.
As crazy as it is to change offensive coordinators one week before the national title game, you can't blame Nick Saban for pulling the plug while couching it as nicely as humanly possible. Kiffin hasn't grown up. There's a reason no Power Five school -- and not even Houston-- would turn over the keys of its program to Kiffin as a head coach.
Even putting aside what happened privately, just look at what Kiffin did publicly last week. He looked like a coach begging to be put out of his "misery" before the season was over.
• Kiffin bizarrely let Pete Thamel of Sports Illustrated travel with him while house-hunting in Florida and made disparaging comments against Alabama.

Kiffin on feeling isolated in Tuscaloosa and not liking daily 7:30 a.m. staff meetings: "This will come across wrong. But it's like dog years. Three years is like 21." You think that might be viewed unfavorably by a coach who gave you a lifeline?
Kiffin on a personality profile showing that he's a conceptual thinker: "It means I'm imaginative, intuitive about ideas, visionary, enjoys the unusual and learns by experimenting. Does that explain me and everything that's not in the staff room at Alabama?"
Kiffin said Saban and a majority of Alabama assistants are labeled "structural" in that they like guidelines, they're cautious with new ideas and they're predictable. Sure, just pile on the coaches you're trying to win a national championship with right now.
Kiffin with a joke after initially asking if he should say it: "I used to say there's a constantly daily battle between who can take more of my money between [his ex-wife] Layla and Obama. I figured it out. I really don't make any money. I pay around 52 percent in taxes. Layla gets 34.5 percent in the divorce, and [agent Jimmy Sexton] gets 3 percent. I make [about] 9 percent, and I'm living in Tuscaloosa."

• Alabama's team buses left Kiffin behind again last week. This first happened after last season's national championship game. Then, it happened last week after media day at the Georgia Dome.
"Yep, got left again," Kiffin told ESPN.com.
Hmm. How did ESPN even learn of this story? It couldn't be that Kiffin told ESPN and wanted the attention, could it?
• At his Peach Bowl news conference, Kiffin said he couldn't recall any happy moments at Alabama and incredibly remarked that incoming offensive coordinator Steve Sarkisian will do a "much better" better job with Saban.
"The way I would describe it without details is [Sarkisian's] personality will work a little bit better than mine with coaches, and I'm not saying it was a bad thing at all," Kiffin said. "I would say Sark manages people better than I do at times."

Who in their right mind says that with two games remaining before a national championship? If I'm Florida Atlantic, I hear that quote and ask myself, "Hell, then why didn't we hire Sark instead of Kiffin?"
If Kiffin thinks Sarkisian is better with Saban then Saban might as well go with Sarkisian now.
When asked by ESPN's College GameDay what led to the split with Kiffin, Saban said: "I think the way we went about the last game [against Washington], whether it was the preparation or the practice and being able to focus on what we needed to do on our team relative to the distractions that occur when you're trying to hire a staff and recruit at another place. Lane did the best he could under difficult circumstances. We certainly wish him well. We both had a meeting on Sunday and again this morning that we thought it would be in the best interest and mutually agreed with both parties to move on."
That's a really nice way for Saban to say: "You're fired right now." It's incredible that Kiffin and Saban even lasted three years.

ESPN's Brett McMurphy reported afterward that Kiffin was also "late to meetings" and that his "public 'ass-chewing' comments contributed" to his early termination.
Tom Herman and Kirby Smart had no problem winning national championships the past two seasons with one foot out the door for jobs at Houston and Georgia. Kiffin managed to damage his reputation even more while on his way to FAU. Think of how self-destructive a person must be to get fired so close to trying to win back-to-back national titles.
This could be exactly what Alabama needs to refocus against Clemson. Quarterback Jalen Hurts' passing regressed in the semifinal, and Kiffin almost got too cute again and didn't give Bo Scarbrough enough carries.
Or Kiffin being out now may be too late to turn back the damage done in advance of the title game. Alabama preaches "The Process" so much that Saban must be beside himself that he allowed himself to get undermined by Kiffin's poor preparation in December.

Sarkisian, who was fired at USC in 2015 during a messy departure brought on by alcohol abuse, now takes over Alabama's play-calling immediately. Talk about a high-pressure debut for Sarkisian. Talk about a sudden change for Alabama players, who are now going to be receiving information from a new person with a national title at stake.
Meanwhile, the script doesn't change for Kiffin. Oh, there's always a new way he leaves, but the underlying issue doesn't change. Kiffin has a brilliant offensive mind but lacks interest or the ability to get out of his own way. Good luck getting into Kiffin's head to guess if he's sabotaging himself.
This much seems clear: At the rate Kiffin is going, he will depart FAU while tweeting on his JetSki.
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Get Lane on the Train to Mizzou - drfrightner MU - 12/1 17:09:25
     A 500-1 shot this ends up happening. - ERB KC - 12/1 19:29:13
     Good points - rlfstl MU - 12/1 17:58:17
     Ok heres rthe facts - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:39:40
          .640 winning percentage over an extended - tman MU - 12/1 17:48:48
               fau is a juco level program compared to the sec - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:53:13
                    What is tou point? We know what occurred there. - tman MU - 12/1 17:57:37
                         why hasnt he had a P5 HC job offer in 6 years ? - blitz2win MU - 12/1 18:11:43
                              Answered already. What coach are we getting that has - tman MU - 12/1 18:19:09
                                   Norvell and Leach have had several offers - blitz2win MU - 12/1 18:31:05
          2 years ago - no longer relevant.(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:40:27
               Lol (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/1 17:42:56
               LOL good thing you arent the AD* - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:41:24
                    You amuse me posting the information that everyone - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:44:08
                         Here's his stellar recruiting - phrejd MU - 12/1 17:50:46
                              ah - just my operation of the handy drop-down shows high 80s - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:56:34
                                   And you want Mizzou ranked in the 50s??? Ok, go for it(nm) - phrejd MU - 12/1 18:00:50
                                        Follow me close, because I know this is hard for you - if - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 18:11:33
                                             RE: Follow me close, because I know this is hard for you - if - redngray MU - 12/1 18:14:23
                                                  Well, that's not what's happening at FAU - but don't let - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 18:16:43
                                                       Is he recruiting the same guys there - redngray MU - 12/1 18:18:54
                                                            I think Lane has proven he can recruit at the SEC level. - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 18:28:31
                                                                 hes proven he can get fired from every job* - blitz2win MU - 12/1 18:32:14
                                                  exactly* - blitz2win MU - 12/1 18:15:12
                              his record is horrible - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:54:41
                                   actually it's not. FAU is NOWHERE. Kiffin is putting them - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:58:15
                              Tsk, tsk. 55 for FAU? please list FAU recruiting ranks for - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:52:46
                                   Go for it. Report back (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/1 17:55:43
     Upon reflection I think you're right. Lane stands head and - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:31:54
          He's way too racy for Sterk. - Newcatbirdseat MU - 12/1 17:33:44
               Agreed. (nm) - go tigers MU - 12/1 17:38:04
               Agreed, plus if he did have major success - tiger4real MU - 12/1 17:37:07
               its not that-id supprt any coach - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:35:16
          what sucess look at his record-its awful - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:33:43
               What is his overall record? Give all the facts - tman MU - 12/1 17:35:42
                    RE: What is his overall record? Give all the facts - MizzouTigerz MU - 12/1 17:42:00
               I predict your search for Jeezus of Nazareth will bear no - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:34:33
                    hes got a bad record and reputation - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:36:09
                         yeah - no names.(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:36:27
     And if we don't sue - you can just whine about it - Nohawks MU - 12/1 17:29:27
     We have 3 years of sanctions to cheat around too - STLTIGER MU - 12/1 17:22:10
          good point - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:31:56
               Um, $ 5M are at stake if they get caught ****ing up - hefeweizen MU - 12/1 17:36:00
                    im just joking, kiffin is a clown * - blitz2win MU - 12/1 18:13:43
                    Has he been cheating at FAU? Pretty sure he's learned the - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:46:49
     Tennessee fans would have a conniption fit - tiger4real MU - 12/1 17:18:20
          I think they would laugh at us just like they did over - MKrip MU - 12/1 17:19:38
               Tennessee would love it-wed be a joke - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:22:40
                    We'd be joke right up to the point where we started beating - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:35:30
                         That would be so funny and he'd be motivated to do it. - MKrip MU - 12/1 17:37:14
                              We're in bizarre territory here - firing a 6-6 coach like - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:39:08
                                   Thinking Lane kiffen is a BIG TIME hire is indeed bizarre (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/1 18:08:20
                                        Got more twitter followers than anyone else on the list.(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 18:12:02
                                             who gives a crap about twitter ? * - blitz2win MU - 12/1 18:18:27
          LOL - of course - he's not a candidate.(nm) - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 12/1 17:33:43
          Pretty sure you're right. (nm) - Uncle John MU - 12/1 17:21:04
          ^^^^^THIS IS WHO WE ARE. BREAK THE CYCLE. nm. - MUTGR MU - 12/1 17:20:35
          He wont be considered because he's a clown with an - hefeweizen MU - 12/1 17:20:32
               You mean a billionaire outsider that will serve two terms - jonesin - 12/1 17:29:48
                    Because you are an idiot(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 12/1 17:30:57
                         Lol. Loser... You are a VICTIM!!!!!!!! - jonesin - 12/1 17:32:16
                              The victim is you. A victim of your emotions and poor - hefeweizen MU - 12/1 17:34:40
               Lets bring in Quin Snyder to mentor him* - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:21:20
                    Would we take Quin as basketball coach now? I would - MUTGR MU - 12/1 17:26:23
                         yea hes sobered up 25 years later - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:29:58
          ADs are scared of that guy - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:20:30
     LET'S DO THIS! (nm) - North co-co champs MU - 12/1 17:17:38
     I wouldn't complain if that's the choice - IAMMU MU - 12/1 17:16:38
     Y'all sold me. I'm on the Lane train too now!! (nm) - MKrip MU - 12/1 17:16:32
     Go for it. Report back (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/1 17:14:04
     I'm in. nm. - MUTGR MU - 12/1 17:12:09
     No P5 HC offer since 2013 - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:10:25
          So. What guy are we getting that has had a P5 - tman MU - 12/1 17:16:25
               we can do much better - blitz2win MU - 12/1 17:23:36
                    What guy. It was your standard(nm) - tman MU - 12/1 17:50:19
     No and thank God you aren't Mizzou(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 12/1 17:10:11

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