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SuxJohnson is all in on the LBGTQ identity politics.

Posted on: October 25, 2019 at 09:56:02 CT
Emoji Man OU
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     Betcha joe has laundered cash into foreign banks - hokie VT - 10/25 09:31:16
     Why are you obsessed about Hunter Biden? Who really cares? - TexJohnson MU - 10/25 08:59:13
          That's so stupid, it shows why you're called sux johnson. - RHAYWORTH MU - 10/25 09:26:14
               Another homophobe but you are beyond stupid. - TexJohnson MU - 10/25 09:32:48
                    Don't you really mean brainwashed, like your stupidity? - RHAYWORTH MU - 10/25 09:41:56
                         SuxJohnson is all in on the LBGTQ identity politics. - Emoji Man MSU - 10/25 09:56:02
          RE: Why obsessed?: Biden's corrupt dealing with foreign - None**** MU - 10/25 09:08:32
          Joe and Hunter apparently care a lot(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 10/25 09:01:58
          If Joe was selling influence would you care.(nm) - tman MU - 10/25 09:01:32
               Unlike you Trump Defender Syndromers, if you break the law, - TexJohnson MU - 10/25 09:04:28
                    Yes the libs have lost that ability. This thread displays - tman MU - 10/25 09:17:40
                         I say all should be prosecuted and somehow you conclude what - TexJohnson MU - 10/25 09:28:50
                         I don't know if a single person has said that. - Mormad MU - 10/25 09:19:16
          His media masters tell him what to say - JayHoaxH8r MU - 10/25 08:59:56
               Are you projecting again? I think so. - TexJohnson MU - 10/25 09:02:22
                    lol retard fight!(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 10/25 09:03:34

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