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CNN admitting only covering Trump’s impeachment for ratings

Posted on: October 14, 2019 at 15:49:42 CT
JeffB MU
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20.60 yrs
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Project Veritas is about to release bombshell recordings of CNN President Jeff Zucker admitting that the network is only covering Trump’s impeachment for ratings with no expectation he will actually be impeached.


The new tapes are about to drop today with James O’Keefe promising the revelations will be the “story of the year.”

In the tapes, Zucker orders CNN staffers to ensure blanket coverage of attempts to impeach President Trump simply for ratings, admitting that the impeachment process itself will go nowhere.

The insider who leaked the recordings has been collecting information for 6 months and is still secretly embedded within the news network.
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CNN admitting only covering Trump’s impeachment for ratings - JeffB MU - 10/14 15:49:42
     Lol - pickle MU - 10/14 17:01:03
     and they still suck for ratings(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 10/14 16:51:09
     Line up, the kool aid is ready - raskolnikov MU - 10/14 16:15:14
          Covering the impeachment story is fine, trying to insert - JeffB MU - 10/14 16:51:16
          RE: Line up, the kool aid is ready - scan MU - 10/14 16:18:25
               Nothing craven w/CNn covering years's largest news story (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 10/14 16:27:11
                    RE: Nothing craven w/CNn covering years's largest news story (nm) - scan MU - 10/14 16:31:02
     The fantasies based on whacko sites you guys need to believe - TexJohnson MU - 10/14 16:08:39
          Don't you got a kid to molest? A bottle to **** in? - jonesin - 10/14 16:12:15
               Your homophobic projections and fantasies are disgusting - TexJohnson MU - 10/14 16:21:59
     Of course it will go nowhere with the GOP majority Senate - TigerJackSwartz MU - 10/14 15:54:11
          The House determines whether he will be impeached, duh. (nm) - JeffB MU - 10/14 16:05:43

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