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RE: Kurds have to be happy with Trump

Posted on: October 9, 2019 at 10:31:16 CT
None**** MU
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6.18 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I don't disagree that they deserve better. However, why should America be their guarantor of safety? Why should we continue to risk lives and expend treasure on their behalf? They are victims of geography and we can't change that reality. Its true they have been useful to us at times in the past, but they are not irreplaceable allies.
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Kurds have to be happy with Trump - mu7176grad MU - 10/9 10:03:20
     Who cares - Panthera MU - 10/9 10:37:25
          At end of day wars like this divide country - mu7176grad MU - 10/9 10:58:35
     tRuMp WanTs tO dEstRoY oUr NaTo rElAtIOnShipS!!!! - dangertim MU - 10/9 10:33:11
     RE: Kurds have to be happy with Trump - None**** MU - 10/9 10:31:16
     Why do you care about the Kurdish people? - Ace AU - 10/9 10:13:10
     Betraying our #1 ally vs ISIS in the Middle East - Iam4Mizzou MU - 10/9 10:12:41
     So...what would you have done?(nm) - meatiger MU - 10/9 10:07:27
          I would have kept troops there until real Turkey deal - mu7176grad MU - 10/9 10:14:38
               Totally agree... - Gyro MU - 10/9 10:20:55
                    Good luck in trying to get help if they are sacrificed - mu7176grad MU - 10/9 10:25:41
                         How long are we in debt to them? (nm) - Sal MU - 10/9 10:32:16
                              Well..we have to kill people - meatiger MU - 10/9 10:35:52
                              Until we get a deal from Turkey at least - mu7176grad MU - 10/9 10:35:46
                                   What's frustrating to me is that Turkey... - Gyro MU - 10/9 10:37:56
                                        If it is a Biden like personal deal - mu7176grad MU - 10/9 10:55:14
                                   "until we get a deal" - meatiger MU - 10/9 10:37:15
                         There are no good outcomes from taking troops out... - Gyro MU - 10/9 10:28:19
               Have you not learned - meatiger MU - 10/9 10:17:53
                    Having been part of a disaster first hand I learned - mu7176grad MU - 10/9 10:20:41
                         how many thousands have died - meatiger MU - 10/9 10:30:08
                         Agreed... - Gyro MU - 10/9 10:21:27
          This is why you don't go half-assed with Iraq invastion - raskolnikov MU - 10/9 10:12:12
               No comment about Obama and Syria? - Spanky KU - 10/9 10:19:52
                    You are right - raskolnikov MU - 10/9 10:31:34
                         GD you are stupid - Panthera MU - 10/9 10:42:26
                              Address the point and try to prove your case(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 10/9 10:57:27
                                   The Arab Spring had NOTHING to do with the Iraq War - Spanky KU - 10/9 11:42:00
                                        It was the result of Iraq War and NeoCon effort to re-form - raskolnikov MU - 10/9 11:47:45
                                   with all due respect Rask - Panthera MU - 10/9 11:07:19
                                        I don't think I am what you say, but your opinion seems set(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 10/9 11:15:18
                                             You are exactly what I say - Panthera MU - 10/9 11:27:03
                                                  I must have offended you in some fashion over time - raskolnikov MU - 10/9 11:51:22
                         the Arab spring was in 2010 dude. it wasn't kicked off - blake1771 KC - 10/9 10:38:15
                         Obama would have voted yes for the Iraq attack - Spanky KU - 10/9 10:34:59
                              Everyone of them wrong - context DiD play a role - raskolnikov MU - 10/9 10:58:44
                                   context? Bush repeated the same tale that Bubba did. - Spanky KU - 10/9 11:17:20
                                        Context was that when Poppy coordinated Kuwait thing - raskolnikov MU - 10/9 11:23:05
                                             The 1992 elections had nothing to do with Desert Storm - Spanky KU - 10/9 11:30:00
                                                  Perhaps the nine seats were due to that, I have a memory of - raskolnikov MU - 10/9 11:57:56
     Saving Trump Tower Istanbul is a priority(nm) - Mo Texan MU - 10/9 10:07:02
          2015 - Ace AU - 10/9 10:22:15
          oddly enough which one is our ally who hosts nuclear weapons - blake1771 KC - 10/9 10:09:56
               If the 100 kept theTurks from going nuts - mu7176grad MU - 10/9 10:18:23
               Just my opinion as to Trumps priority. Whether I think they - Mo Texan MU - 10/9 10:16:59
                    it was a stupid opinion. - blake1771 KC - 10/9 10:20:11
                         Next up, the private guys so his buddies can make $ - Mo Texan MU - 10/9 10:46:33
                         do you realize the SDF which is part of YPG which is part - blake1771 KC - 10/9 10:26:35
     He knew this is what the Turks would do - MrBlueSky MU - 10/9 10:06:22
     Donnie Trump may be the biggest traitor... - Gyro MU - 10/9 10:06:19
          Do you support keeping troops there - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/9 10:07:41

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