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Yeah I've had both LSD and shrooms. Shrooms are horrible

Posted on: September 20, 2019 at 23:12:59 CT
TigerMatt MISS
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25.44 yrs
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to eat.

And I dropped acid on the way to a friend's house. As I got out of my car to go to my friend's door a cop pulls up and questions me.
Someone had been throwing eggs at cars at the gas station next to his apartment. I had to show my ID and was then arrested for failure to appear in court on a speeding ticket. The LSD kicked in while I was in the police car and I spent the night tripping in jail.
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This sounds like fun - Danny Whizzbang USA - 9/20 22:32:24
     If being stupid is fun - 615Tiger STL - 9/21 11:48:29
     What a weak loser(nm) - TigerFan92 MU - 9/21 05:40:45
          Ask him about his new panties.... - Tigrrrr! MU - 9/21 09:20:38
     I will never understand those that have some spiritual - TigerMatt STL - 9/20 22:59:10
          Do you have something you need to confess?(nm) - Danny Whizzbang USA - 9/20 23:00:32
               Yeah I've had both LSD and shrooms. Shrooms are horrible - TigerMatt STL - 9/20 23:12:59
                    Make Tea with shrooms, Ate some lsd with a friend and got - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/20 23:26:45
                    Oh man, that sucks. And yeah, shrooms taste terrible - Danny Whizzbang USA - 9/20 23:26:37

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