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He was successful cuz he took his message straight to the

Posted on: September 18, 2019 at 19:46:49 CT
Uncle Fester USMC
Member For:
19.66 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:

He just needs to do it again

And Xpose the Coup plotters

Game set and match

Haha !!
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Uh oh, about that Trump NM rally.... - MUTGR MU - 9/18 19:41:25
     He likes more like a W.A.S.P. than I do... - mizzoumurfkc KC - 9/18 20:14:51
     If you look up the definition of douche - playhard NWMSU - 9/18 20:09:12
          RE: If you look up the definition of douche: Judging a - None**** MU - 9/18 21:02:04
     You're using twitter as a news source? You're a derp. - TexJohnson MU - 9/18 19:48:21
          #TRUMPSLIDE 2020! Nm. - MUTGR MU - 9/18 20:09:40
          ^^fag(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/18 19:55:51
               I got a pm that said you and emoji are the same person - TexJohnson MU - 9/18 20:00:44
                    Emojiman is an African American, I'm a honky - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/18 20:08:03
                         FWIW, the African American community accepts you as one of - Emoji Man MSU - 9/18 20:11:04
                              Ragnar is a down low brotha.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 9/18 20:13:31
                    I got a PM that said you were Whizzbang’s incestious little - Emoji Man MSU - 9/18 20:06:26
                    It's true. I heard their plan to round up all the gays and - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/18 20:05:35
          Good one, Sux. - Emoji Man MSU - 9/18 19:50:24
               😁😁😁. Nm - hokie VT - 9/18 19:56:27
                    Don’t you have the balls to join in, or do you just cuckold - TexJohnson MU - 9/18 20:12:37
          I would tend to believe the internet over anything on TV - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/18 19:50:00
     dems need to stay focused on impeachment - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 9/18 19:46:02
     He will win States he has no busines winning this time - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/18 19:44:37
          True. Even with the mainstream media functioning as a - RayKinsella1922 SEC - 9/18 19:46:48
          Big Mike can't take the heat - DollarSigns MU - 9/18 19:46:36
     His campaign with an election under their belt - Sal CMSU - 9/18 19:43:14
          He was successful cuz he took his message straight to the - Uncle Fester USMC - 9/18 19:46:49
               He needs to eat as many big macs as possible and - playhard NWMSU - 9/18 20:10:22

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