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You get up in most meetings, debates, start yelling, see how

Posted on: September 12, 2019 at 21:40:10 CT
TexJohnson MU
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5.31 yrs
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long you last. You act like that's not common to be removed for being disorderly. For the third time, derp.
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     because they're doing what Trump does at his rallies, derp - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 21:31:05
          RE: because they're doing what Trump does at his rallies, derp - MOCO SON MU - 9/13 00:14:33
          cool word dude nm - redngray MU - 9/12 22:00:46
          ummmmmmmmmmmm - Floyd Turbo 99 - 9/12 21:31:49
               If you just get state news you don't realize Trump removes - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 21:33:58
                    cool word dude nm - redngray MU - 9/12 22:01:04
                    So the dems are channeling Trumpian tactics.......... - Floyd Turbo 99 - 9/12 21:37:05
                         You get up in most meetings, debates, start yelling, see how - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 21:40:10
                              cool word dude nm - redngray MU - 9/12 22:01:25
                              So in general protesting is not as well regarded - Floyd Turbo 99 - 9/12 21:43:50
                                   Being a derp is sadder - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 21:50:49
                                        cool word dude nm - redngray MU - 9/12 22:01:44
                                        Good point, Sux. - Emoji Man MSU - 9/12 21:54:03
                                             Sup, homophobe. Gotten lucky in those park bathrooms lately? - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 21:59:07
                                                  I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sux. But keep your - Emoji Man MSU - 9/12 22:08:32
                                                       I'm just a dirty boy, a dirty dirty boy. - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 22:10:05
                                                            That kind of gayness could only come from Whizzbang. You’re - Emoji Man MSU - 9/12 22:14:41
                                                                 Is that a compliment? - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 22:16:40
                                                                      Too much talking. Fvck off. - Emoji Man MSU - 9/12 22:21:47
                                        Don't get so mean spirited DOC - Floyd Turbo 99 - 9/12 21:53:05
                                             someone tell this derp I'm not doc - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 21:56:31
                                                  cool word dude nm - redngray MU - 9/12 22:02:24
                                                  6 months is a classic DOC timeframe, DOC - Floyd Turbo 99 - 9/12 21:58:32
                                                       Sal? Is that you? - mizzoumurfkc KC - 9/12 22:12:33
                                                       I read ace is doc, go bother him, derp. - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 22:02:02
                                                            DOC denying DOC is very DOC - Floyd Turbo 99 - 9/12 22:03:43
                                                                 Wait..... so SuxJohnson is Doc? - Emoji Man MSU - 9/12 22:12:07
                                                                      You of all people, know I'm not. But tell me at least - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 22:14:59
                                                                 I think you're DOC trying to disguise yourself, DOC by accus - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 22:06:41
                                                                      No, its you DOC, crystal clear. And of course - Floyd Turbo 99 - 9/12 22:10:09
                                                                           So now you got me curious. What's the dead wife story? - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 22:13:32
                                                                                You buried her DOC - Floyd Turbo 99 - 9/12 22:14:30
                                                                                     Why would't someone bury their dead wife. I give up. It - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 22:19:34
                                                            cool word dude nm - redngray MU - 9/12 22:02:45
                                                                 yea, then you'll certainly enjoy this, derp, derp, derp, - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 22:04:17
                                                                      RE: yea, then you'll certainly enjoy this, derp, derp, derp, - redngray MU - 9/12 22:09:23
                                                                           Only a derp would think I made up the word...derp. Derp. - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 22:11:26
                                                                                An internet badass - redngray MU - 9/12 22:12:57

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