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Baiting post by a non Mizzou fan

Posted on: September 8, 2019 at 19:29:01 CT
Genco98 MU
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5.15 yrs
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There’s nothing like the master of the obvious post to expose a beaker
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     Wrong focus. Winning is what matters. Win and you will - Phlalum MU - 9/9 10:59:48
     Just like any stadium, when it’s full it’s impressive. Nm - ClassicTiger MU - 9/8 21:36:15
          ^^^^ this ^^^^ (nm) - SSN 780 MU - 9/8 22:13:26
     You sound pretty salty about this - Cosmo MU - 9/8 21:14:43
          best advised not to hang out in a restroom - meatiger MU - 9/9 08:39:26
          the stadium lacks that spunk the other ones in the - dangertim MU - 9/8 21:26:04
               Well we don't have jizz jars like A&M.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 9/9 02:16:06
               Is there DADGUM SPUNK in the stadium?????/ - Mothball MU - 9/8 22:33:50
               Leaders have to walk a pretty tight rope financially (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 9/8 21:27:02
                    The Babs administration was a seminal moment in our demise(nm) - dangertim MU - 9/8 21:29:04
                         SEMINAL MOMENT????// I LOVE THIS DADGUM THREAD!!!!!!!!!!1 - Mothball MU - 9/8 22:47:47
                         She left a very murky and sticky situation behind(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 9/8 21:31:33
                              Babs was murky and sticky. (nm) - SSN 780 MU - 9/8 22:12:29
     I like it. It's home. Dgaf what anyone else thinks(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 9/8 21:04:16
          Agreed (nm) - SSN 780 MU - 9/8 22:14:24
          yup, if it tastes good, do it(nm) - dangertim MU - 9/8 21:05:29
     Come on mizzou! What a load!(nm) - dangertim MU - 9/8 21:01:00
     Only thing I don’t like about our stadium - zodiac6 JC - 9/8 20:43:15
          RE: Only thing I don’t like about our stadium - THEGROVE68 MU - 9/9 04:07:51
          "lowering the field to build more seats closer really isn’t - myself MU - 9/8 20:49:24
               The amount of time to drill it out would force the team out - Fred G. Sanford USA - 9/8 21:16:43
                    Not sure that's true anymore - tigerinhogtown STL - 9/8 21:32:37
                         If possible, that would be great! - SSN 780 MU - 9/8 22:21:07
                         That may be true. My information came from the guy - Fred G. Sanford USA - 9/8 21:35:49
                         That's what I was thinking. Times have changed and - myself MU - 9/8 21:33:40
                    Thanks for the info. So it's feasible if we're willing to - myself MU - 9/8 21:28:31
               I’m sure it isn’t physically impossible. - zodiac6 JC - 9/8 21:02:18
                    It does matter. If it hasn't been done in the past because - myself MU - 9/8 21:07:10
     Some of you guys put WAY too much weight on internet nerds - tiger4real MU - 9/8 20:26:36
     Well, they're not really wrong about - mizzoumurfkc KC - 9/8 20:19:44
          Agree, but we have fans like you that can’t even put an MU - MATO MU - 9/8 20:46:31
     WVU is a nice Texas HS stadium. - Gary P. MU - 9/8 20:18:06
          Memorial Stadium is also bigger than MSU’s stadium. (nm) - SSN 780 MU - 9/8 22:24:16
     The SEC is heavy on nitwit fans(nm) - Iam4Mizzou MU - 9/8 20:14:41
     Looks awesome here... - TigerMatt STL - 9/8 20:04:42
          Dang we need more of that. Let’s do that - MATO MU - 9/8 20:19:55
     Vandy is worse. In classic MU style you look down on - Fred G. Sanford USA - 9/8 20:02:05
     Why do Mizzou fans care about other fans so much? - Hickeytime MU - 9/8 20:00:07
          Preach, brother! (nm) - SSN 780 MU - 9/8 22:59:31
          Mizzou fans don’t - Genco98 MU - 9/8 21:07:42
          Went to Oxford. Reminded me of ku’s stadium(nm) - Iam4Mizzou MU - 9/8 20:15:38
          Exactly(nm) - True Son MU - 9/8 20:01:54
     I'd put them into tiers. We're in the second tier - TigerJackSwartz MU - 9/8 19:51:36
          The Grove isn't in the stadium so I don't give V-H stadium - Gary P. MU - 9/8 20:23:14
          Each stadium is uniquely designed for the school it serves. - myself MU - 9/8 19:54:53
               I was going for overall experience - TigerJackSwartz MU - 9/8 19:59:42
                    "overall experience" is extremely subjective.... - myself MU - 9/8 20:14:41
                         Regardless of the handle you use, you do a good job - Gary P. MU - 9/8 20:25:04
          RE: WVU fans are just salty about the pounding we inflicted on - MOCO SON MU - 9/8 20:11:59
     it never was(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 9/8 19:37:12
     Baiting post by a non Mizzou fan - Genco98 MU - 9/8 19:29:01
          Dude you’ve been on here 4 months? Lol what r u 16? - Beakerbasher KC - 9/8 20:58:32
               no, he was previously "MakeShift" but that handle was banned - zounami MU - 9/8 21:11:53
          no... ignorant post by a genuine Mizzou fan (nm) - myself MU - 9/8 19:46:33
               Genuine MU fan who hasn’t been to other SEC stadiums... - Beakerbasher KC - 9/8 20:57:43
          I agree- The Hill is a terrible look - Genco98 MU - 9/8 19:50:32
               UVA’s stadium has a hill and it looks great. - SSN 780 MU - 9/8 22:10:47
          Why do you hate MU fans so much? (nm) - myself MU - 9/8 19:45:20
               RE: Why do you hate MU fans so much? (nm) - Jmill88 MU - 9/8 20:10:53
                    You are arguing with a beaker who has baited you - Genco98 MU - 9/8 20:15:31
                         RE: You are arguing with a beaker who has baited you - Jmill88 MU - 9/8 20:18:23
                              24 hours a days seven days a week - Genco98 MU - 9/8 20:35:55
                                   I can assure you I don’t have multiple handles newb - Beakerbasher KC - 9/8 21:00:13
                                   Wrong on all counts, and we don't have a "small fan base"... - myself MU - 9/8 20:40:30
                         there you go again, harassing another user.... - zounami MU - 9/8 20:17:29
     Well, with the tank job at Wyoming, the crowd this - Ohtiger MU - 9/8 19:19:46
          It's not just because of the Wyoming debacle. - Tony Manero MU - 9/8 19:41:40
               It's because of the overall product, which factors in the - myself MU - 9/8 19:43:31
                    Disagree somewhat. - Jmill88 MU - 9/8 20:16:17
                         it's not just "one bad loss"... Mizzou fans have been kicked - myself MU - 9/8 20:25:33
                              STFU - Gary P. MU - 9/8 20:30:05
                                   RE: STFU - Jmill88 MU - 9/8 20:32:30
                              This team is good. (nm) - qbbearcat MU - 9/8 20:29:41
               not really(nm) - MizzouAstro MU - 9/8 19:42:00

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