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Sal is a major buffoon

Posted on: April 30, 2019 at 21:14:42 CT
mizzoumurfkc KC
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fluffer ...but has superior logic.

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lol Mueller wrote Barr a letter critical of his summary - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 4/30 19:05:51
          What statute covers collusion? - MizzouTigerz MU - 5/1 10:24:41
          Then why didn’t Mueller recommend charges? (nm) - Cubicle Clown USA - 5/1 06:36:52
          Whats obvious is yer head got slam dunked up agin some - Uncle Fester USMC - 4/30 19:55:12
          The sheet you believe - TIGERROAR MU - 4/30 19:52:38
          Fire can't melt steel, Hillary is guaranteed to win - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 4/30 19:49:58
               What are 3 things lied about JG for everything Alex? - JG MU - 4/30 20:14:01
          Still got the no collusion, no obstruction blues I see. nm. - MUTGR MU - 4/30 19:44:25
               He's still waiting for full report release that was released - North co-co champs MU - 4/30 19:51:07
                    Yes, Barr is misleading everyone about a report everyone - MUTGR MU - 4/30 22:38:20
     Mueller agrees with Barr's letter but doesn't like media - North co-co champs MU - 4/30 19:22:48
          Mueller never agreed with barr's letter...you tards have - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:07:18
               lol according to the report - Sal KC - 4/30 21:10:34
                    WTF are you talking about boy? Mueller never said that he - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:19:21
                         He agreed it was accurate (nm) - Sal KC - 4/30 21:24:02
                              In what alternative universe did mueller agree that barr's - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:29:11
                                   Sal is even one of the dimwits - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 21:48:39
                                        It was factual - Sal KC - 4/30 21:49:35
                                             It certainly omitted some key facts from the Mueller report - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:57:45
                                                  And in the end Mueller still didn't make a decision - Sal KC - 4/30 21:59:23
                                   he did, 7 minutes ago - dangertim MU - 4/30 21:33:32
                                        LOL - that's not an actual quote of Mueller. - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:39:48
                                             It was an accurate summary - Sal KC - 4/30 21:41:53
                                                  If Mueller felt that it was an accurate summary, there would - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:46:14
                                                       It wasn't supposed to capture the substance - Sal KC - 4/30 21:47:26
                                                            What the hell good is a summary that doesn't capture the - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:53:24
                                                                 Barr didn't white wash anything related to obstruction - Sal KC - 4/30 22:11:27
                                                                      Muellers failing was not compelling Individual 1 to give a - tigerdb MU - 4/30 22:17:33
                                   He said it was accurate (nm) - Sal KC - 4/30 21:30:29
          It makes zero sense - Sal KC - 4/30 20:03:07
               Well of course. Its Wash Post/NY Times... the preferred - North co-co champs MU - 4/30 20:12:33
                    Yep, it's pretty convenient timing - Sal KC - 4/30 20:21:56
                         That too. LOL. As if there is more evidence not... - North co-co champs MU - 4/30 20:30:47
     Ha Muellee declined - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 19:13:36
          Whoever said the summary was extensive? - Sal KC - 4/30 19:29:15
               You are really dumb, Sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 19:32:17
                    Your post has zero logic to it (nm) - Sal KC - 4/30 19:59:50
                         What didn't you understand, Sal? - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 20:12:36
                              You entire post makes zero sense - Sal KC - 4/30 20:22:40
                                   You've started here before that Mueller agreed with Barr's - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 20:40:14
                                        Sal's really dumb. - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:08:25
                                             Sal is a major buffoon - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 21:14:42
                                                  So you can stop looking like an idiot - Sal KC - 4/30 21:16:20
                                                       So Mueller didn't really agree with barr's memo. - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:23:54
                                                            He agreed it was accurate (nm) - Sal KC - 4/30 21:24:49
                                                                 No, he didn't. If Mueller had AGREED, there would not have - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:36:49
                                                                      You really need to read - Sal KC - 4/30 21:38:49
                                                                           Per Barr. However that's not what Mueller actually said(nm) - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:40:33
                                                                                This is Sal's usual schtick - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 21:54:14
                                                                                     You two are engaging in a convenient argument - Sal KC - 4/30 21:57:48
                                                                                How do you know? (nm) - Sal KC - 4/30 21:41:08
                                                                                     We'll know when the report is released, I guess. - dangertim MU - 4/30 21:50:17
                                                                                          lol if only! (nm) - Sal KC - 4/30 21:50:58
                                             You two clearly haven't even read the report on the letter (nm) - Sal KC - 4/30 21:10:52
                                                  Show a link where Mueller stated that he agreed with the - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:17:19
                                                       Mueller stated it was accurate - Sal KC - 4/30 21:22:55
                                                            LOL - no, that's barr's side of Mueller's statement to him - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:35:44
                                                                 So we are only to believe part of the article? (nm) - Sal KC - 4/30 21:39:41
                                                                      If you believe the headline of the article (that mueller was - tigerdb MU - 4/30 21:54:54
                                                                           So we are only to believe the parts of the article - Sal KC - 4/30 21:56:43
                                                                                No - I realize that while Mueller may have indicated that - tigerdb MU - 4/30 22:00:50
                                                                                     Sal thinks Barr's 'summary' wasn't - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 22:04:46
                                                                                          It wasn't meant to be a summary - Sal KC - 4/30 22:06:51
                                                                                     So again, we are only to believe certain parts - Sal KC - 4/30 22:03:39
                                                                 so Barr is now lying about the phone call? - dangertim MU - 4/30 21:39:00
                                                                      We know the Barr summary was accurate - Sal KC - 4/30 21:40:51
                                                       This should be good - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 21:20:20
                                                            it's right above your post. laugh?(nm) - dangertim MU - 4/30 21:28:50
                                                                 LAUGH those weren't Mueller 's words - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 21:44:50
                                                                      lol so now the report is inaccurate? (nm) - Sal KC - 4/30 21:45:52
                                                  Lol and with Ssl's usual schtick that - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 21:17:05
                                        You should go back and read the unverified report - Sal KC - 4/30 20:42:47
          Indictments coming anyday now huh idiot? - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 4/30 19:15:18
               He really is dumb (nm) - Sal KC - 4/30 19:29:24
                    LAUGH sure Sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 19:37:50
                         He's being kind (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 4/30 20:15:49
                              Oh look, the doc is back... - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 20:25:18
                         What exactly do you think Mueller - Sal KC - 4/30 20:04:16
                    Muellertime aint goin to work for NASA anytime soon - Uncle Fester USMC - 4/30 19:36:14
               Fester's been saying indictments are coming... - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/30 19:18:14
     The summary was obviously spot on (nm) - Sal KC - 4/30 19:06:30
          Mueller said it didn't reflect the "nuance" of his report - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 4/30 19:08:05
               In federal court never had a Judge say nuanced - mu7176grad MU - 4/30 19:19:00
               The summary wasn't a summary of the entire report - Sal KC - 4/30 19:08:38
                    Well Barr testifies tomorrow and Mueller won't be far - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 4/30 19:10:21
                         I'm not really sure what else Mueller can say - Sal KC - 4/30 19:12:42
                              I agree(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 4/30 19:13:22

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