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Posted on: April 27, 2019 at 18:55:10 CT
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Yay hate crimes - playhard KC - 4/27 18:30:24
     The left is the anti-Semitic party - Sal KC - 4/27 20:33:20
     looks like he was radicalized and inspired by the NYT - dangertim MU - 4/27 20:07:52
     Yay taking quotes out of context - MIZ45 MU - 4/27 19:54:56
     You either don’t know or ignore the full context - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 4/27 19:13:11
     RE: Yay hate crimes - scan MU - 4/27 18:51:57
          What is dishonest about it? I’m only repeating what - playhard KC - 4/27 19:05:47
               The full context doesn't really change anything - JG A - 4/27 19:09:06
                    trump typically has a tweet or comment about everything - playhard KC - 4/27 19:14:23
                         The ones started by a black guy?(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 4/27 19:16:52
                    ^^Mental Case Delusional Nutjob^^ - Uncle Fester USMC - 4/27 19:10:33
     Why lie? Plenty to criticize Trump for. Why not stick to - 90Tiger MU - 4/27 18:38:56
     Only a dishonest lying Assh#le would take that outta context - Uncle Fester USMC - 4/27 18:33:36
          He wouldn't post the entire statement - Tigrrrr! MU - 4/27 18:36:24
               As are the vast majority of demonRats - Uncle Fester USMC - 4/27 18:39:30
                    Full context makes Trump still look like a POS - JG A - 4/27 18:42:38
                         RE: Full context makes Trump still look like a POS - JG A - 4/27 18:54:38
                              No it dont and yer a Freakin Moron if you think it does - Uncle Fester USMC - 4/27 19:01:45
                                   If Trump came to a sudden stop - JG A - 4/27 19:06:57
                                        Well the sh#t that flies outta yer mouth would be hard to to - Uncle Fester USMC - 4/27 19:09:15
                         Thats not the entire quote dipsh#t - Uncle Fester USMC - 4/27 18:48:12
                              oops - JG A - 4/27 18:55:10

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