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As you read Mueller's Report keep in mind it is a one-sided

Posted on: April 18, 2019 at 13:44:31 CT
DoltfromSTL MU
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narrative written by a hardcore Democrat operative who was also acting as an investigator and was not cross-examined.

I believe these guys had an agenda and were desperately trying to find evidence to support it.
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As you read Mueller's Report keep in mind it is a one-sided - DoltfromSTL MU - 4/18 13:44:31
     LMAO. The **** you people believe(nm) - Danny Whizzbang USA - 4/18 13:53:22
          So you agree police reports are absolutely correct? - DoltfromSTL MU - 4/18 13:54:56
               You have no idea what you're talking about... - Gyro MU - 4/18 13:57:00
                    So explain it to me? - DoltfromSTL MU - 4/18 14:01:23
     RE: As you read Mueller's Report keep in mind it is a one-sided - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/18 13:47:58
          that you cannot see that is beyond words...(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 4/18 13:52:04
               Lol your words - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/18 13:55:38
                    LOL! - DoltfromSTL MU - 4/18 14:02:14
                    MUELLER TIME!!!!(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 4/18 13:58:23
                         Mueller got his time.. - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/18 14:00:05
                    so no DOJ meetings to discuss using the 25th amendment - tigerNkc KC - 4/18 13:57:57
     Did you really just say Mueller is a hardcore Dem operative? - MrBlueSky MU - 4/18 13:46:37
          Are you saying courts should always accept a police report - DoltfromSTL MU - 4/18 13:54:10
               This wasn't a police report. (nm) - MrBlueSky MU - 4/18 13:55:53
                    What was it then? - DoltfromSTL MU - 4/18 14:02:55
          Well dumchit...I doubt Mueller did very much, if any, of the - DoltfromSTL MU - 4/18 13:49:32
          LOL - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/18 13:47:04
               That's because you are a fool and don't know how any of this - DoltfromSTL MU - 4/18 13:52:34
                    HaHa! Sure tori - mizzoumurfkc KC - 4/18 13:54:00
                         You just can't admit you are wrong, can you? (nm) - DoltfromSTL MU - 4/18 13:55:33

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