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I can't disagree with that. I just think Mizzou is doing a

Posted on: April 4, 2019 at 09:46:12 CT
North co-co champs MU
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15.90 yrs
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horrendous job handling this from a persuasion perspective.

They are trying to make a case that the NCAA is a needed governing body, and then saying the NCAA should have never governed them, because they governed themselves.

Mizzou's argument from their own mouth

"Ee acted swiftly once bad behavior was discovered. We self-reported, we cooperated, we took responsibility, and we took further actions to ensure our employees and students understood our “Win it Right” culture.

We removed the employee who acted alone in creating a tutoring violation, and we held 12 student-athletes accountable. We focused the consequences on those involved, but years later, the penalties delivered by the Infractions Committee did not.

Instead, our students and future students who had nothing to do with this violation could suffer the brunt of the sanctions, which include bans from post-season play, recruiting restrictions, and loss of scholarships. That would be a shame, considering those involved in this isolated case are no longer at Mizzou."


What are they even saying?

Yes, we cheated. But everyone involved isn't here anymore, so don't punish us?

Yes, we cheated, but in the name of the new students who had nothing to do with it... don't punish us?

Yes, we cheated, but we governed ourselves, so don't govern us?

Yes, we cheated and we are bad, but others have done worse, so don't punish us?

These are all poor arguments the way they are being framed.

Mizzou has 1 choice and 1 choice only.... that is to go Full-Court Press and say flat out the NCAA should be disbanded and eliminated.

"The NCAA is a lawless, overreaching, out-of-control bureaucracy, corrupted and stained with influence from a select few elites. We see absolutely nothing beneficial and now expect nothing but a fixed system with fixed outcomes.

We will begin working with University Presidents on an exit strategy that eliminates the NCAA. We will discuss whether there is any need at all for a governing body."

That would be impactful.

That would get headlines.

That would get heads rolling.

That would make the NCAA chit, because then, all-of-the-sudden their livelihoods and existence is at stake for the first time.

They would gladly remove every single punishment in exchange for Mizzou dropping this idea of eliminating them.

At that point, we have all the control.

If we continue to hallucinate & pretend that the NCAA is in control, then we deserve to be enslaved by non-existent slave masters.

Edited by North co-co champs at 09:49:54 on 04/04/19
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Sterk lays it out - STRIPES - 4/3 21:39:30
     NCAA returns a smirk - mu7176grad MU - 4/4 10:04:58
          Maybe, but due to this universities have spoken - MoGold MU - 4/5 15:49:52
          They could NOT care less - BBTiger MU - 4/4 12:53:47
               Almost as bad as reiterate - tigerfans3 MU - 4/5 10:26:40
               irregardless, you get his point(nm) - TigerA MU - 4/4 16:47:39
               Now the question looms - eatatjoes MU - 4/4 13:01:34
          Let's play devil's advocate. The University admits that it - North co-co champs MU - 4/4 08:51:57
               The NCAA investigation concurred - cal MU - 4/4 10:06:00
                    Gant, which we also didn't fight, wasn't really a slap on - Newcatbirdseat MU - 4/4 11:55:32
                         Post season ban? - cal MU - 4/4 22:47:46
                              Yes(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 4/5 14:54:55
                         with the coach we had the vacated wins and postseason - TigerA MU - 4/4 11:57:19
                              Yeah, but when they're looking back at how severe - Newcatbirdseat MU - 4/4 12:04:38
               Some punishment is certainly expected - BigDave MU - 4/4 09:25:46
                    I can't disagree with that. I just think Mizzou is doing a - North co-co champs MU - 4/4 09:46:12
                         You have completely misconstrued what Sterk is saying - Oregon-Mizzou MU - 4/4 16:32:32
                              yes, if they remove the postseason bans for all 3 sports - MizzouAstro MU - 4/4 16:35:05
                         Your scorched earth campaign is unnecessarily early - eatatjoes MU - 4/4 11:05:23
          The New York Times doesn't just give away op-ed space - MizzouAstro MU - 4/4 08:11:36
          I think they said the team is wearing stickers for every - mattieo86 MU - 4/4 08:02:20
     Sterk’s a doucher. Take responsibility. Fix the problems - TigerFan92 MU - 4/4 07:26:53
          Really , really stupid (nm) - Cosmo MU - 4/4 19:03:05
          Such a manly man you are! (nm) - ForOldMissouri MU - 4/4 13:42:06
          Go back to the beaker board d-bag. (nm) - go tigers MU - 4/4 08:48:52
          this is a really stupid take - MizzouAstro MU - 4/4 08:11:56
          You whine a lot (nm) - Hickeytime MU - 4/4 07:49:34
     While I appreciate his effort and agree that the punishment - Fourth and Long MU - 4/4 07:14:48
          why are you such a coward? - MoGold MU - 4/5 15:52:24
          Your hawks shouldn’t be exonerated either - Nohawks MU - 4/4 10:49:31
          Only part of the analogy I'd change is that KU, UNC - Civil-E-Tiger MU - 4/4 07:37:18
               RE: Only part of the analogy I'd change is that KU, UNC - CPA MU - 4/4 12:59:49
               That's not quite right either - BigDave MU - 4/4 09:28:43
               I agree (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 4/4 07:39:54
     Makes the NCAA look like clueless dickheads - JG MU - 4/3 23:06:25
          Problem is they ARE clueless DHs - MoGold MU - 4/4 02:23:28
               RE: Problem is they ARE clueless DHs - THEGROVE68 MU - 4/4 03:41:19
          RE: Makes the NCAA look like clueless dickheads - THEGROVE68 MU - 4/3 23:26:28

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