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It is the LINE in the story dipweed, Townhall is sht

Posted on: February 17, 2019 at 20:13:58 CT
raskolnikov MU
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23.69 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
'a coup scheme ???" you guys are beyond idiots.

I not misrepresenting anything, merely pointing out what sht townhall is.

Try to keep up.
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McCabe is trying to backpedal - Sal KC - 2/17 15:11:50
     what a POS(nm) - afleet MU - 2/17 17:36:37
     Because sedition is not taken lightly(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 2/17 17:31:36
     Here moron - raskolnikov MU - 2/17 16:07:08
          It's moran....moran! (nm) - Logan BAMA - 2/17 19:24:27
          No moron, the DOJ did not suggest invoking the 25th - None**** MU - 2/17 17:45:30
               It is the LINE in the story dipweed, Townhall is sht - raskolnikov MU - 2/17 20:13:58
          RE: Here moron - MOCO SON MU - 2/17 17:15:01
     Here moron - raskolnikov MU - 2/17 16:07:01
          Uh, McCabe and Rosenstein have admitted - Sal KC - 2/17 16:18:29
          oops... - tigerNkc KC - 2/17 16:15:57
               So what????? I don't care about this anyway. - TIGERROAR MU - 2/17 16:21:41
     The top comment pretty much sums it up... - tigerNkc KC - 2/17 15:54:22
     Townhall - good for you(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 2/17 15:38:24
          you are the perfect example of someone who only reads or - dangertim MU - 2/17 16:27:12
          LolšŸ¤” - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 2/17 15:57:32
          And this is why folks are clueless about what is going on. - tigerNkc KC - 2/17 15:56:06
               TOWNHALL ROFLMFAO. (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 2/17 16:02:12
                    Um, it wasn't an opinion piece. good lord(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 2/17 16:05:34
                         Where did i say it was an opinion piece - raskolnikov MU - 2/17 16:09:39
          Do you know who Andrew McCabe is, what he did and... - DoltfromSTL MU - 2/17 15:49:51
               He is Mr Deep State - starting the big Coup d'etat - raskolnikov MU - 2/17 16:08:29
                    Just wanted to make sure you can't later say you didn't know - DoltfromSTL MU - 2/17 17:04:51
          are you suggesting they made up the story - Sal KC - 2/17 15:49:13
               I am suggesting it is a sht publiscation - raskolnikov MU - 2/17 15:51:50
                    By all means, tear the article apart that I posted (nm) - Sal KC - 2/17 15:57:23
                         Did it Sal, thanks for playing(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 2/17 16:10:06
                              where did you do that?(nm) - dangertim MU - 2/17 16:29:03
                                   Here's where. - TIGERROAR MU - 2/17 16:32:28
          If RASK complains must be true - mu7176grad MU - 2/17 15:46:22
          His lawyer felt the need to issue a clarifying statement - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 2/17 15:41:24
               Like Michael Cohen?(nm) - Toger STL - 2/17 15:44:18
                    Yes. That is a great example - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 2/17 15:55:53
          Yes. Much better than NPRCIA.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 2/17 15:39:13
               Rask is very invested in his ignorance loop. He only will - MUTGR MU - 2/17 15:41:29
                    exactly(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 2/17 16:05:54
     Publically admitting to a coup attempt on a US president - Calca STL - 2/17 15:35:24
     Wouldn't the context be that he was trying to - GA Tiger MU - 2/17 15:22:42
     Maybe it was the part about - 615Tiger STL - 2/17 15:16:33
          Some may call it "flushing the toilet."(nm) - Toger STL - 2/17 15:19:11
          His comments were bizarre. I think he was trying - Sal KC - 2/17 15:17:33
               I think he's trying to - mizzoumurfkc KC - 2/17 15:44:20
                    That's what started this, no doubt - Sal KC - 2/17 15:49:46

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