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You really can't discern their motivations were different?(nm)

Posted on: January 28, 2019 at 09:54:14 CT
TheShoe STL
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     You really can't discern their motivations were different?(nm) - TheShoe STL - 1/28 09:54:14
          What is wrong with a campaign trying - Sal KC - 1/28 09:55:04
               WTF are you talking about ? - raskolnikov MU - 1/28 10:02:46
                    No-one had contact with RUSSIA They had contact - Spanky KU - 1/28 10:22:52
                         Nothing like HRC effort. Fusion had contact with Steele - raskolnikov MU - 1/28 10:47:16
                              Where did Steele get his info? - Spanky KU - 1/28 11:00:24
                                   You have nothing, nothing but I do ask this - raskolnikov MU - 1/28 11:04:09
                                        Because the GOP is filled with RINO's who really - Spanky KU - 1/28 11:07:50
                    Contacts with Russians =/= illegal - Sal KC - 1/28 10:03:50
                         I don't think that is a true statement - raskolnikov MU - 1/28 10:18:15
                              The Steele Dossier is from Russian sources and produced - Spanky KU - 1/28 10:24:01
                                   Oh, I get it now - raskolnikov MU - 1/28 10:30:03
                                        You confuse Trump with the GOP - Spanky KU - 1/28 10:34:31
                                             You have grown so tiresome here - let me help you out - raskolnikov MU - 1/28 10:51:07
                                                  You said nothing.. Try again! Why don't you explain how the - Spanky KU - 1/28 10:57:40
                                                       What laws did HRC break? - Badird MU - 1/28 11:17:57
                                                            What laws did Trump break? Those would be the same laws - Spanky KU - 1/28 11:21:57
                                                                 No, I dont get it. - Badird MU - 1/28 11:23:59
                                                                      They have to conspire to break a law. What law was - Spanky KU - 1/28 11:33:13
                                                                      But dont take my word for it, here is Judge Nap - Badird MU - 1/28 11:26:22
                                                                           Read your own article, man! - Spanky KU - 1/28 11:35:04
                                                                                EXACTLY! Thats what we are investigating. - Badird MU - 1/28 12:08:21
                                                            The Stone indictment - DC Jayhawk KU - 1/28 11:19:55
                                                                 Doubtful. What law did they conspire to break? - Spanky KU - 1/28 11:22:45
                                                                 Perhaps. Id bet Manafort's actions are more likely. (nm) - Badird MU - 1/28 11:21:05
                              If the Clinton campaign paid people - Sal KC - 1/28 10:20:34
                                   swing for the fences son - raskolnikov MU - 1/28 10:27:32
                                        You're the one not getting it - Sal KC - 1/28 10:29:40
                                             Thats where youre wrong. - Badird MU - 1/28 11:20:44
                                             Right, so the WHOLE thing is just a misunderstanding - raskolnikov MU - 1/28 10:31:46
                                                  For process crimes only - Sal KC - 1/28 10:32:53
                                                       You seem to be under the illusion that "process crimes" are - raskolnikov MU - 1/28 10:53:19
                                                            Apparently they aren't very serious crimes - Sal KC - 1/28 10:57:11
               The buffooners lied about it multiple times, sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 1/28 09:57:35
                    You'll have to ask them - Sal KC - 1/28 09:58:53
                         If it's not illegal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 1/28 10:01:03
                              Holy sh*t that flew over your head (nm) - Sal KC - 1/28 10:02:01
                                   No Sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 1/28 10:04:51
                                        I obviously don't think the media needs to be investigated (nm) - Sal KC - 1/28 10:05:59
                                             You asked that stoopid question, sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 1/28 10:09:33
                                                  I don't think the media needs to be investigated - Sal KC - 1/28 10:10:55
                    you tell us (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 1/28 09:58:32
                         I asked the question, doc - mizzoumurfkc KC - 1/28 09:59:30
                              you used it rhetorically. Now, what's the answer? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 1/28 10:18:36
               Nothing at all - TheShoe STL - 1/28 09:57:32
                    and by problematic - TigerJackSwartz MU - 1/28 10:01:05
                         Where is the line drawn when - Sal KC - 1/28 10:05:09
                         Essentially - TheShoe STL - 1/28 10:01:57
                    I guess it just depends on which side does it, eh? (nm) - Sal KC - 1/28 09:59:32
                         No Sal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 1/28 10:01:49
                              Apparently it is - Sal KC - 1/28 10:02:44
                         Not really(nm) - TheShoe STL - 1/28 10:00:48
                    lol, like the steele dossier which was not only all of that - 90Tiger MU - 1/28 09:59:04
                         You morans continue to float this story knowing it's false(nm) - TheShoe STL - 1/28 10:00:10
                              So Steele wasn't hired to dig up dirt on Trump? (nm) - Sal KC - 1/28 10:01:18
                                   He was hired by Fusion GPS, an american company - TheShoe STL - 1/28 10:04:50
                                        So if Trump's campaign would have hired a 3rd party - Sal KC - 1/28 10:06:31
                                             No - TheShoe STL - 1/28 10:11:45
                                                  lmfao; you think Fusion did so on its own? (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 1/28 10:42:21
                                                  R v D post of the day (so far) (nm) - Sal KC - 1/28 10:13:04
                                                       did I answer your question?(nm) - TheShoe STL - 1/28 10:13:50
                                                            You attempted to answer it - Sal KC - 1/28 10:15:58
                                                                 legal versus illegal - TheShoe STL - 1/28 10:16:56
                                                                      reaching out to Wikileaks isn't illegal (nm) - Sal KC - 1/28 10:19:36
                                                                           Sure, if you're just saying, - TheShoe STL - 1/28 10:21:11
                                                                                And yet he wasn't charged with any illegal activity - Sal KC - 1/28 10:23:06
               you have to go through the proper channels, - dangertim MU - 1/28 09:56:28
                    that's what cracks me up about liberals - Sal KC - 1/28 09:57:29
     LOL that's derpy as hell nm - mizzoumurfkc KC - 1/28 09:51:16
          RE: LOL that's derpy as hell nm - MOCO SON MU - 1/28 09:53:56
          What's the difference? (nm) - Sal KC - 1/28 09:53:27
               Was the media running for president, sal? - mizzoumurfkc KC - 1/28 09:55:24
                    Why does that matter? - Sal KC - 1/28 09:56:48

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