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RE: Yes, Wisconsin has huge metro areas where dems will

Posted on: December 5, 2018 at 09:37:08 CT
MrBlueSky MU
Member For:
20.18 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
The pro-Republican bias is due to both clustering of Dem voters in urban areas & intentional efforts by Republicans to gerrymander. The 2016 presidential vote (where uncontested races are not an issue) shows Trump carried 63/99 districts despite barely winning popular vote.


Edited by MrBlueSky at 09:37:26 on 12/05/18
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     Burn Madison to the ground would be a good start. - Coors4bob MU - 12/5 09:30:27
     Yet you applaud when dems do the exact same thing. - RHAYWORTH MU - 12/5 09:00:31
          He is wrong about this and swallowed the talking points - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/5 09:24:22
          Please show examples of a Dem state legislature - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 09:01:11
               It is power they, the legislature, gave him - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/5 09:22:42
                    They gave the power to a Republican governor - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 09:24:32
                         Democrats can not be trusted with power - Coors4bob MU - 12/5 09:31:32
                         Of course not. But they are not taking away any - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/5 09:26:36
                              So it's okay for Walker to have these powers - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 09:27:13
                                   They also took the new Governors dress and hose - Coors4bob MU - 12/5 09:32:43
                                   Yes, if the legislature gives special authority to a - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/5 09:29:48
               Look it up yourself, you ignorant dirtbag. - RHAYWORTH MU - 12/5 09:15:14
                    Gerrymandering is something both parties do - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 09:21:22
                         GOP success in the election was not a result of - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/5 09:23:33
                              Then you're speaking out of blind GOP loyalty - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 09:26:36
                                   It’s not gerrymandering - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/5 09:28:54
                                        The data I just provided - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 09:30:39
                                             Yes, Wisconsin has huge metro areas where dems will - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/5 09:36:02
                                                  RE: Yes, Wisconsin has huge metro areas where dems will - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 09:37:08
                    You guys get so worked up over R v. D politics. (nm) - ummmm MU - 12/5 09:16:22
     Wrong about so much - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/5 08:50:01
          It has everything to do with gerrymandering - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 08:59:18
               No, because they granted him much of this authority - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/5 09:21:52
                    so I guess - meatiger MU - 12/5 09:59:38
                         If the duly elected representatives grant the governor such - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 12/5 10:22:37
               No it doesn't and if you study history - tman MU - 12/5 09:04:11
                    RE: No it doesn't and if you study history - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 09:04:40
                         Do you not know how to use the Internet - tman MU - 12/5 09:07:35
                              Yes and what I'm saying is there are not examples - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 09:13:20
          Should we even be posting and arguing on today's - ummmm MU - 12/5 08:54:22
               lmao (nm) - 90Tiger MU - 12/5 09:20:47
               LOL(nm) - meatiger MU - 12/5 08:56:27
          Socialists, idiots, and small children talk about race - pickle MU - 12/5 08:54:42
          RE: Mr. blew guys, take a look at some of the black districts - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 08:49:53
          You obviously do not know who draws legislative district - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 08:47:39
     stop crying (nm) - pickle MU - 12/5 08:41:27
          "Taxation is theft" - MrBlueSky MU - 12/5 08:44:57
               it is actually robbery or maybe extortion - there is a threa - 90Tiger MU - 12/5 09:21:44
               He's wrong about a lot - MIZ45 MU - 12/5 09:02:37
               It is, objectively. (nm) - ummmm MU - 12/5 08:54:48
               Yes, it is theft. - pickle MU - 12/5 08:54:09

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